Monday, August 18, 2008
My lips are SO dry. . Anyway, I recolected my dreams from monday morning (parts of them), which is something I really havn't been able to do lately. I was being hunted by almost everyone at my school, and i didnt realize it till the end of my dream. Some boy gave me a bent ring, and drew a picture of a heart on his dest, and whisperd, "be careful to this.." pointing to his shitty drawing of a heart. I knew then i misunderstood the meaning of the ring and quickly took it off. I was out in the courtyard when i noticed a plane (a 1 or 2 person plane/very small) heading for the apartments, it took out all the decks, and people where jumping calmly from deck to deck, when the plane pointed right at my hiding spot behind some shrubs and opened fire! there where some other people hiding with me, and when i got the idea that it was me the plain was shooting at I took off, thinking it was out of bullets..I ran into someone's backyard adn hid in thier trailer, and in the shower.. I saw copcar lights and opened the windo and asked the cop if it was safe to come out. the cop said it was.. adn he gave me a list of people that where hurt, Kaitlyns mom (Anne Fernandez) was on the list, and so was Barbara Striesand(sp). I was very...