What we got will turn your brain into sh*t!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's 11:26 on Tuesday.
I just had the most amazing three days.
I just Said goodbye to Kale and his parents. I fell in love. And want to shout out so many thank yous to Mark and Sue for letting me tag along. Thank you so much for welcoming me to soak as much time as possible before your son went off to Europe. It means allot to me and I can't thank you enough (I am also eating cheese cake and listening to all the new Elton songs on my ipod..thank you Sue!!)
Now I have to shake the poo outa my head, get my feet back on the ground and get back to business at hand. I have gone through such a whirlwind of emotions (mostly just gooey, earth shattering love) that I am a little air headed lately. I'll explain and go into more detail later. But for now I have to go manifest some fast-track study, straight A Student behavior. I have to go to work tonight... ugh. As you can plainly see my head is still in fairy-tale-land and it's hard to function; I feel very indecisive.
Three days of missing classes isn't good - but I'm going to kick ass and make time go by faster by burying myself in textbooks and school notes. soon I'll be in Hawaii and loosing track of time and not long after THAT I'll be back in the loving arms of my gorgeous man!
OK Sydney pull yourself together!!