I'm back!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Well Max and I got stuck up North at Dad's because we had to turn around to get his silly book that he got for Christmas.. He hasn't even read a book in well...forever! All of asudden we are stuck in a patch of snow.. he overhearts his engine, thermostat whatever it was we stayed at dads.. Not that thats a bad thing.. we never get to be with dad, we played a lot of nintendo wii and drank hot buttered rum while cracking all the rest of the leftover christmas eve crab, talking about my life and how chaotic it's been since I've left. Dad recognized what happened to me as a kid for the first time verbally.. and I wish i wasn't so drunk otherwise i would have been able to expand and heal. Anyway, finally max and I got outta there yesterday the nieghbors and dad all helped us shovel a path 50 ft from the bottom of dads driveway to the road.. then we drove his car overheating suposedly to the dealership.. max told me i was giving him attitude when i told him after the 3rd worng exit that we should maybe call the dealership. well I was skating thin on making it back to west seattle to make it to work.. luckily the dealership was ready for us and had the loaner ready to go.. so i made it with time to spare. I have mabe the worst day at the bar ever ill talk more about that later.. im heading north to see bekah and give her things.. SUZYE call me about out PLANNNNNS! xoxox