Make over!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
So I guess I’ll hurry up and update because I haven’t in a little bit. School’s been keeping me on my toes, and work was conditioning me for what’s to come last week when I covered three shifts. I did, however, make 100 dollars in tips in 2 days, which I used 90 of it to buy a 30 g Ipod from my friend Nick who really is strapped for cash so I told him I’d flourish his wallet if he’d hand over the ipod! I am in the club finally!!
(Even though I think Suzye told he hers does nothing but frown at her now) It has a bunch of really amazing Songs on there already. I need to figure out how to move stuff around and organize it so I can fit all my additions to it.
Anyways other than that life’s been so good to me. All things considered (messy smelly apt, little money, illness, pining away for summer to come) I am so happy and content. School is very stimulating, while stressful; I’m learning a lot and loving it. Again all things considered, I look forward to transferring to Central for spring quarter; I think that the change of scenery and community will fill the crack of dissatisfaction with said aspects here at South.
February is already here and on the 26th I’ll be 21. That means that I’ll finally be allowed to serve at West 5, increasing my hours at work to full-time, gaining full benefits and making a ton more tips than I already do (that’s hard to even IMAGINE!) I pledge now to not spend that money on copious amounts of booze either, I need to SAVE for summer events and end of summer digs!
My baby sister turns fourteen today!
(yeah i know its a big dump but so necessary)She is getting so big!!!!! Every time I see her she has doubled in gorgeousness and incredible personality. This weekend the family is (hopefully) going to get together for a collective February birthday party. Because Dad’s Birthday is on the 8th and Jerry’s (soon to be brother-in-law) and Kaitlyn’s (niece) birthday is in February too; we usually just celebrate them all together!
Dad got me my ticket to Hawaii for my birthday present for Courtney and Jerry’s wedding in June, and Cheryl got me some marvelous Sensaria Spa products from the Sensaria Spa Experience/Wine and chocolate party from the other weekend. I got myself an ipod, and mom’s looking for a car for her and I to share, for now. I really need my own computer, and a camera to replace the one that just bit the dust on New Years. In case you didn’t notice I’ve been having to use my phone camera to capture what I’ve put on my blog since my camera failed at life. I miss being able to take pictures of the things I see daily that are beautiful, and I feel like I’m seeing twice as many photo ops now that I don’t have the means to capture them which breaks my heart. But I do think that a computer takes precedence over photography right t now, I use mom’s computer, which she needs and takes with her whenever she goes to work. And ideally I would bring my computer with me to school so I can have all my files on there instead of in my flash drive that doesn’t hold a lot. And I can go shove myself in a quiet corner instead of in the chaotic sea of thunderous students that is the computer/library/recess hall. There is also this really cool 100 dollar slr ‘Lomography’ camera that I saw and fell in love with at Orban Outfitters this weekend downtown. It takes awesome color/negative/vibrant color/ black and white and it’s also a pinhole cam (how cool is that?) Anyways… that’s just STUFF anyways right?
Well I did it! I changed my blog look completely! I don’t quite know what I think. I hate that the borders around the photos are dark (but very bright and distracting) blue. It completely clashes with my color scheme. (Does anyone know how to remedy that?)
anyways im getting out there in this sunshine, soak up some D, absorb some rays, haha
Much love to everyone!