Rainy Seattle Sunday
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Working for Julie for 2 days in a row is a workout. She never really knows what she wants me to do, so I’m left acting on a whim trying to be helpful but then she just ends up undoing what I just did. For example, She had a bunch of little ornaments she wanted me to hang in the window from the curtain less rod with fishing line. Easy right? Not right. I put up about 17-20 little orange wrapped boxes and little tin birds the way I saw fit, because...well, that is what I was told to do. Then I ended up taking them all down because she wanted to switch the curtain rod with the one that was in the front of the store. I put them all back on, only to then be told that she wants all the birds to be the same length (eye level) and ever OTHER orange box to be the same length (a little bit above eye level) so again, I undid and redid my cutting and tying and hanging with the merciless fishing line. She then asked me to write her a list of things she needs for the up and coming West Seattle Art Walk this Thursday (we have them every 2nd Thursday of every month along California avenue) to include things like cups and silverware to drinks and snacks. Ok, with all due respect how the fuck am I supposed to know what you want for your Art Walk party? I put down “holiday cookies” and “pie” right under “hot buttered rum” and “hot cider” and she was lie “No, no cookies or sweets I’m leaning toward tarts and dips.” Ahem, THAT IS WHY YOU WRITE YOUR OWN GOD DAMN LIST. Good god woman, I don’t have mind reading capabilities believe it or not. YOU know what you have in mind for YOUR party, I do not.
Ok, anyways. I most definitely could go on bitching and moaning but I will not. Julie does have
an adorable Pug baby, Lola, who I absolutely adore, and I did get paid, and only have one more weekend of this foolishness. I will never be a personal assistant because this sort of “fly by the seat of your pants to please a 46 year old woman who acts as though she’s in a crisis” just doesn’t set well with me. Camille is just to stores over and I went over and got a pot brownie to aid in mellowing me in the midst the psychosis. Bless her! She also let me catch up on her advent calendar (she had only opened door one, and we’re on number seven! Yumyum)
Mom and I have the flex car, Ines, reserved all day tomorrow to take Sammy (big fat Persian kitteh) into the doc to get a tooth pulled, so we get to run errands all day long! Exciting! I get to get some Christmas shopping done while we have the luxury of wheels. Bussing is effective and eco-friendly, but can be near impossible to carry home a collection of groceries and things we can’t live without.
I went bowling with my mom and brother and Adam (bro’s roomie) at West Seattle Bowl. I came in second to last thanks to mom! Much fun! I have pictures that I will try to upload (no promises as the computer has been poopy lately)
I’m very excited to move into the two-bedroom downstairs next month. Mom, on the other hand is having second thoughts a is saying, “I don’t want to move if there’s no view.” But I’m almost sure there will not be as good of a view as this place because our balcony points East framing the city perfectly, and the apartment on the second floor is not only not as tall (naturally) but also points North, giving us a great view of the new condos next door, which is fine by me, I’m gaining a bedroom.. but mom is another story. Lets just keep our fingers crossed shall we? K? k!
Ok, anyways. I most definitely could go on bitching and moaning but I will not. Julie does have

Mom and I have the flex car, Ines, reserved all day tomorrow to take Sammy (big fat Persian kitteh) into the doc to get a tooth pulled, so we get to run errands all day long! Exciting! I get to get some Christmas shopping done while we have the luxury of wheels. Bussing is effective and eco-friendly, but can be near impossible to carry home a collection of groceries and things we can’t live without.
I went bowling with my mom and brother and Adam (bro’s roomie) at West Seattle Bowl. I came in second to last thanks to mom! Much fun! I have pictures that I will try to upload (no promises as the computer has been poopy lately)
I’m very excited to move into the two-bedroom downstairs next month. Mom, on the other hand is having second thoughts a is saying, “I don’t want to move if there’s no view.” But I’m almost sure there will not be as good of a view as this place because our balcony points East framing the city perfectly, and the apartment on the second floor is not only not as tall (naturally) but also points North, giving us a great view of the new condos next door, which is fine by me, I’m gaining a bedroom.. but mom is another story. Lets just keep our fingers crossed shall we? K? k!