Friday, August 22, 2008
I hate decisions. Well, I hate them lately. So I'm just not going to make any, and totally meditate on being happy and content with just ME. It's a good excersise, and it's going good.. im savin up some money, I worked a double yesterday.. oh man. My body feels simillar to how i felt in highschool after weight-lifting class. And you know what? My little camping trip fell through (because the coupe joseph and i where going with broke up..odd). So I just don't think that camping trip was meant to go down. SO.. I work another double today!! Luna Park is okay.. but is nothing compared to working at West 5. Luna pays less, to do more annoying work..with less cool people & customers. West 5 is super fun, LOVE the people I work with AND customers, easy work, and no one tells me what to do, they simply ast me. I hate working with people who have power trips. What I want to do, is try to get as many hours @ West 5 as I possibly can, Then fill in the blanks with working Luna Park, get trained on some serving, that way when february rolls around(ill be 21) and I'll be able to train Bartending and serve and pour alcohol! woohoo. so Like i said, not making any decisions yet. And Joseph tried to talk me out of breaking up with him, But i know it will just postpone it. I am doing what Sydney wants, and needs. It's hard to be selfless all the time. So i had a dream last night that i went into this.. college type place, the layout looked familiar, like I'd been there before. The receptionist was my friend from the WSPTA Tiffy, and I told her I was trying to get a strawberry milk, and i asked her to borrow like 5 bucks, she atold me that that wouldnt be enough adn she handed me like 60 dollars, and i told her I would pay her back. I went and my drink wasd already made, i like mixed the milk adn the strawberry syrup myself in the front room, then put it on this conveyer belt that took it to the kitchen where they rang me up.. It came to like $11.oo and i said fuck that I'll get somethind small to eat instead. They had NOTHING veg-friendly, so I go some cake.. and my total came to $224.45 or something around there! I was like... "WHAT?!" This is all I got, looking down and the cake that I could eat in one bite.. The dude told me that I Made a phone call, and that it was 10 dollars a minute. I started crying and trying to talk the guy out of it.. and i told him i dont have that much money.. so finally I ran out of there gave Tiffy her money on the way out, adn the headed down the road.. i ran into the thickest spiderwebb in the whole world, and there was some bug on it what was chewing the shit out of my leg. I remember I forgot my purse so i went back and grabbed it.. THEN when i came out some one was shooting out the window! I ducked, and when the window finally shattered a big mob of little mexican boys with white sirts on marched in, I admit I was scared, they were all pointing squirtguns at me, and I just wanted to leave.. so i did.. (this is getting too long and im getting sick of typing, and i Have to go to work.. so I'll write more later) kbye