Monday Monday
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mondays are BACK! Real Mondays that actually mean Getting up when it's still dark outside, falling asleep on the bus to school. I can't lie, I am very stoked that I'm doing this finally, and Doing it right! 3rd times a charm right? I am enrolled at South Seattle CC in an AA program, I'm taking 15 credits to include Modular Math-English comp-Media Writing. I'm taking my first Online course, English, it's going to be more of a challenge than I thought! I am about to get more full time hours at West 5 so I think that the less time I have to be on Campus the better. I start at 8am and get outta here at 1pm. Not bad. I put in my two week notice at Luna Park. The Hostess manager got to me, well, everything there sorta got to me. I don't NEED that job, I'm going to be suffocating myself with busy tasks, due dates, late nights working at the bar, early mornings on Seattle Metro buses. I am Resilient! I can DO THIS and well! I definitely need a car though, I don't have nearly enough saved yet, but it would make my life allot easier.
In other news, Bekah and I got to hang out on Monday and I got the Second book in the Twilight saga!! I'll be done with it today, and need to get the third asap! It's so gripping, I love having a good book with me where ever i go, makes the bus ride more entertaining! I have 2 hours between my Math class and Writing class so that gives me some time to catch up on blogging :) and reading what my friends are up to in the world. Being so busy all the time is not that helpful to keeping in touch with my loves. But I can blame life for that. I'm going to have to be busy and keep busy if I want to reach my goals. Speaking of goals, it feels really good to be able to say I am enrolled in fall quarter, I have hours at West 5, I got insurance (SR22).
So this week my goals are:
- Renew my Licence
- Buy a bus pass
- Get the 3rd book from Bekah
- Study to place high in the diagnostic math test =/
- Put things in the mail that i have been putting off for a few weeks
- Call Grandma
I'm sure there's more that I want to do today.. But as a long standing goal I want to keep my blog updated daily.
My head hurts. I should get some thing to eat before next period.