Hello Monday!

Monday, September 29, 2008

So last night was my last shift at Luna Park CafĂ©! It was horrid at the beginning, but toward the end, it was quite possibly the best time I’ve had under that roof! When I first got there it was packed and there was a posse of Luna employees (including managers) sitting along the bar having drinks after their morning shift, one of them being Heather Hess, the manager of Luna Park. Now, I don’t smoke like everyone else at Luna Park does, so I don’t take frequent 5 minute breaks, instead I make myself a fruit smoothie and sip it in between busing tables and seating new customers. Heather saw me take one of my drinks of the delicious smoothie and locked eyes with me. She marches over and, very sarcastically, says to me, “Can you maybe do your job instead of drinking a smoothie, Thanks! Autumn is over there hostess-ing, and she is very unhappy about it!” I roll my eyes at her frosty request, It’s my last day and she’s gotta be a bitch to me, Figures! So I start storming around there, sour attitude in check, not making eye contact with anyone, busting ass and getting shit done, like I always do, but somehow always gets over-looked by the ass hole managers. AHHH! So I started calming down, Autumn came over and told me not to listen to Heather, that she’s a bitch and we all know it. So then me, being so sensitive and fragile, started unloading what Heather had said, how I feel and started crying. Then Autumn quietly took my hand, and asked me to come take a break with her, everyone on shift was standing around us giving me group hugs (cute!) and reassuring me that Heather Hess is in-fact a huge bitch. They all encouraged me to go take a break with Autumn L She led me upstairs (conveniently she lives in the apartment above Luna Park) and into her apt. there was a shiny bong, and she loaded me a bowl! What a girl! I calmed down, and the rest of the shift was a blast! It was so slow and we all planned a Party at P.J’s after work, my “Going away Party”. It was fun, I haven’t been terribly social like that in a long time, and it’s a good muscle to exercise from time to time. So here I am, at school (yes I missed first period math lab at 8am, but I needed the sleep) But I am here now!!

*whisper*I’m not sure who all reads this; I hope my mom isn’t reading it because I am compelled to write about something that has me a little (maybe more -that depends) irked. So someone asked if I would loan them $400 because they over-drafted buying $10 martinis and Chris Cornell concert tickets. They bought the tickets for both Seattle AND Portland, for themselves my brother and I. I don’t particularly want to go. This someone being a complete Chris Cornell Fanatic just doesn’t want to go alone. Needless to say that’s a lot of money to loan to someone, especially because I hardly even have that much money to my name, not to mention the idiocy and carelessness of over drafting on such overindulgences. */whisper*

SO anyways, Vanessa and I decided to skate it up on Saturday night after I got off work. We skated the Alki Strip 2 whole times! YOWZAH! My calves and hammies are sore, but not as sore as I thought, I did take a spill towards the end of our run, I was fairly fatigued and hit a pebble at just the right velocity to launch my off my long board. I could have easily pushed my leg out in front of me to catch my fall and recover, but I really wanted to lay down anyways, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I’m left now with a bruised knee-cap! (A small price to pay). The weather allowing this hobby is dwindling now, and I won’t be able to do it much longer winter on its way. Vanessa and I talked about moving to Cali together when she graduates next year. We would be able to skate 365 days a year, not worry about torrential rains or frostbitten ears. We fantasized for a while, and I really want to do it. I want all my friends to come too! I want to get really good at surfing, and just be a full on beach bum. Why not?


anyways.. I'm starving. and I should do some math and English like a good girl.



"The Holy Grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it." Wall and Peice

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