Grumble grumble.
Friday, October 3, 2008
My stomach has been rumble/grumbling for the past two days. It's annoying.
Guess what?! I splurged yesterday and got a one hour massage, and it was amazing! I needed it SO bad. Being so off my rocker lately. I then went to work at the bar and EVERY ONE WAS NICE TO ME! It was very slow because of the VP debates I assume so i got to get outta there early, and Mom was on the computer when i got home (i was going to do a picture post) so I just west strait to bed. I finished Eclipse last night so i had no reason to stay up until my eyes wouldn't stay open, but I was out pretty damn fast and dreamed about weird things that I don't remember now. I remember one; I woke up and looked at my phone and it was 8:30am and I was a bout to freak out and jump out of bed (late for class) but then I just put my phone down and went back to sleep until my alarm work me up. Remembering my dream I looked at the clock and was relieved to find that It was 6:00am plenty of time to get ready and take the bus and get to class on time.
Every morning someone gets on the bus a wreaks of tuna fish. It's disgusting.
I was more observant this morning because I didn't have my face glued to my book (I'm getting the last one from Bekah today!)
Bekah and I are hanging out today!!
And then I'm going to see Monica in Tacoma!!
YAY I have weekends again!! I'm so glad I quit Luna Park. I NEED this weekend!
I would really like to make a picture post.. But i don't know if I can from school.. Cuz.. they're not in the files.
oh well it will happen soon enough.
well I have to pee so bad, I'm pretty distracted I just wanted to keep up with my blogging.