LONG update. It's been a while.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I don't know where to strat so i'm just diving in.
--My first night out at the clubs, 21 years old, no sneaking or the uneasy feeling that I’ll be kicked out or ID’d. I must say it was such a different experience than I expected. Maybe due to my state of mind, having just finished up a trying quarter, working a lot, loving a lot, and so on. I was tired all day; all I wanted to do was sleep after work maybe catch up on some projects I’ve been neglecting since before finals week. And I have to work...today again. But Vanessa called and wanted to celebrate our birthdays together, just her and I. She’d already invited me to go out tonight with a bunch of Pisces birthday tonight a while ago so, last night was just spontaneous and I miss the girl so I said fuck it. I felt so touched and flattered that she wanted some one on one time. I haven’t really been able to spend as much time with her because she’s going to art school in Poulsbo and I don’t have a car, work and go to school. Growing up really show’s you who your friends are. Vanessa is the only friend I ever stayed in contact with from Middle School in Arlington. And we are close, I love it. Anyways she picked me up after I was off work (11:30pm) we went to a club downtown called The Last Supper Club. This place reminded me of a rave and I didn’t like the feeling or vibe. Plus Vanessa had a really bad tummy ache and was hurting so I felt bad. I did get hit on, which was fun for me to be able so hold up my hand showing off a ring and say I’m taken. Guys are very, very interesting. The whole night I was just contently people watching. Seeing how different people interact. The drunken girls grinding on the half-massed drunk guys, knowing they’re getting some later. I just sat at a tiny table while Vanessa was dancing around and I just watched everyone. WILD! I ran into Kelly and Lindsey, some people I used to hang out with a lot. Kelly just turned 21 too so we all hung out for a little while, it was good to see him. I also ran into Dev, the dude that used to work at west 5. He smelled horrible and was having a hard time communicating so I just assumed he was out of his mind. So Vanessa wanted to go to the Noc Noc after the club closed at 2, I was already draggin ass as it was, I didn’t have enough energy to dance, which is what she wanted to do. Plus my phone was blowing up with foul capitalized insults from Jameson’s roommate Andrew who was upset that I told his girlfriend that she’s better than him and that she might consider…not dating him. I met her on St. Patty’s Day when Jameson and I went out after I got off work. I was so astounded when I found out that Andrew even had a girlfriend because he hit on my like no tomorrow. Anyways I was a little schwilled when I was talking to her about him so I probably deserved it. I don’t like the guy, and she seemed so sweet and cute. I don’t know. Anyways it blew up and 360’d in the span of the hour we where at Club Trinity. Jameson told me he had a talk with him and I have no idea what he said but out of no where Andrew starts actually blowing up my phone, and texting me and telling me he’s sorry, that Jameson told him the “truth” and to please let him talk to me and say sorry. WEIRD right? Ugh! So that is that. I’m letting it be, I’m too sensitive to have stupid drama in my life.

Anyways now for the update!
So I have my camera, it’s working (not like my last one) but it’s getting the job done. So that means I have PHOTOS!

Suzye left Monday for Australia! Randy, Suzye, Bekah, Nick and Ashley all came into my work on Saturday night and hung out till I got off work. I feel bad because Randy got the BBQ’d shrimp and it’s kinda expensive and you only get 5 shrimps. (sorry Randy) but when I got off we all went over to Nicks for a blankets-on-the-floor
house warming party! I was so tired (story of my life huh) so I was the first to fall asleep after Suzye and I took a bunch of web cam picture on Randy’s computer. So fun! Then in the morning we all went and got crepes. With the exception
or Nick who had to leave for work really early. Then Suzye and Randy dropped me off and gave me some culture to brew kombucha! I’m also babysitting her seedlings. [Three Brusselsprouts, two tomatoes, one calendula and one cumin.] All of them have started to sprout other than one tomato it’s so exciting! I can’t wait to have more living room and be able to have plants again.

I got to dissect a mouse in Biology. This was interesting for me because, being a vegetarian everyone expected me to be the last one to pick up the scalpel and scissors and dive in. But science is something that I’m into, curiosity took over and I was the first one to find the heart and all the organs. I’m also eccentric and had to take photos of the experience because I love documenting my days and experiences (no matter how vulgar) with my camera. So that’s that and I’m not ashamed. I did a GREAT job dissecting, and the pictures turned out cool too. hehe

So winter quarter is finally over! I can breathe a little and get my life back on track. I do have one other [math] final to take on Thursday so I’m not totally in the clear yet. And I don’t get too much of a break either because I start back up on the 16th. (EXACTLY one month till I see my baby!) And, also, Dean (one of the bartenders/owners of W5)is going out of town, so Quinn (his gf/another bartender at W5) is taking over his shifts, so that means I take her shifts on Wednesdays, so ill be working 5 nights a week (kinda a lot for the work/energy demand for a shift) but I am young and versatile and I can do anything. So that’s going to be from 3/23-4/28. I don’t mind the extra money either! I still haven’t signed up for my classes I think I’m going to take my ‘easy’ classes for spring quarter so I can have a smooth transition into summer. I also am leaving a few days before finals for Hawaii so I need to be able to take them early.

With Winter quarter being over, and I get to take a bit of a breather I can read the library books that I have had piling up. I’ve been reading the scary Vampire book called “Let the Right One In” (that’s now a movie I guess) for the past month and a half and I’m not even halfway done. So I need to finish that so I can start Ishmael and Another Roadside Attraction before they’re due back. I also have to Suzye-required readings “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” and “The Real Food Revival”. Man I have a lot to read! Annnd I haven’t been working out as much as I need to. I’m paying $60 a month for the gym and I want to get as much out of it as possible. I got only, what? Three months, less? To get whipped into shape!

I got some freaking incredible packages from Kale. The first one came shortly after my birthday, A handcrafted ring from Africa,
made out of recycled telephone wires - in a box that he made, so artistic and detailed, the perfect birthday gift. The next package I got on Monday – a hat that he knit with his own hands, every thread woven with love,

and three mixed cd’s that I haven’t stopped listening to. I wish I could put them on my ipod! :( grr. Each cd has a different feel and all the songs are lovely and cute/romantic/sappy/corny/amazing. I am in love so deep. And everyday it plunges even deeper than before. I smile hard when I see his face on the computer, or my phone (yeah his face is my background image!)We are official on Facebook too how exciting!

I also got 2 letters from across the world. Lindsey wrote me from India!! Thank you so much girl. It means so much to me to get a little reminder that you think of me too! I miss you so much and I am so excited for you out there journeying through the world! I can’t wait to hear about all your adventure stories and hug you and never let you go!

Ok well I’ve made this post long enough, I feel like I caught you guys up on life in Sydney land. off to work! PEACE



"The Holy Grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it." Wall and Peice

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