Closing out another weekend
Sunday, October 26, 2008 bekah not drinking her strong cocktail I made for her. haha


This is Anika in an elephant costume drinking Framboise. Yum yum

This was before the show got shutdown, they were backstage geting all ready. :(

Well the Hump Fest was almost a no-go due to moms illness but at the last minute she pulled through! We bussed over to Queen Anne and watched the amature porn films and rated them lol. I thought watching porn in a room with a bunch of strangers sounded like fun, but was worried that it would be weird with mom there. But they where all really funny..not porn that's like.. "Ohh this is hot, I'm horny" it was like "ooh this is funny, and I'm not turned on at all, cool" so that was neat.
My brother and Adam (his roommate) came and picked us up to go to the KUBE93 haunted house. When we got there the line was wrapped around the block 295734 times and I wasn't that excited to wait in the cold... PLUS I only had three tickets from Bekah and needed on emore because I didn't know Adam was coming too. We decided to go eat and have some mac n jacks and drop mom off and come back, which was an amazing game pan because we go there when the line was just dwindling to a small crowd. We smoked a couple bowls and got all scared, and went in. I go to see Bekah in action, being all creepy (but SOOO cute) Max and Adam and I were the VERY last people to go through, so it wasn't all that scary... but still rocked.
We wanted to go to Max's and chill but Bekah decided she was too tired, so just went we watched some family guy and I made Max drive me home at 3a.m. :-/ oh well.
Friday I was supposed to be Bekahs stage show Hardcore Saves the World, but the cops shut it down. It was so wild to be at a rave, I haven't been to one in SO long, and to see the teenage waist land just how it used to be when I was submerged in it was SUCH a trip. Bekah and her playmates were all pretty upset, because they put allot of work into the show.. so we all went to Keith's house, which wasn't far away, and got drunk and watched Planet Earth. I was blown away, and if you haven't seen it you should definitely watch... AMAZING, we watched the BBC version, muted, and blasted music. we Laughed, and cried and creamed.. What a great night! I made some new friends and got to get closer with some peeps I Haven't seen in a while, I took some funny videos too.
Well next week is Halloween! and i still don't know what I'm gonna be! I will probably just go get some gory face makeup and stick-on scratches!! I'm only gonna be working... ho hum. Then on Saturday Mom and I are renting a car and going to Portland to see the Chris Cornell concert! NAOMI IS COMING WITH US!!!! I can't find words to describe how happy I am about this! I believe we are staying in Portland, and then coming back on Sunday, but I want to stay for the sauna that Naomi tells me is so amazing.
Welp, I finished my second draft of my essay about child abuse, and i must say, I am VERY proud of it. I'll keep you posted on my grade, I should be getting in 8-10 days.