I'm back!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Well Max and I got stuck up North at Dad's because we had to turn around to get his silly book that he got for Christmas.. He hasn't even read a book in well...forever! All of asudden we are stuck in a patch of snow.. he overhearts his engine, thermostat whatever it was we stayed at dads.. Not that thats a bad thing.. we never get to be with dad, we played a lot of nintendo wii and drank hot buttered rum while cracking all the rest of the leftover christmas eve crab, talking about my life and how chaotic it's been since I've left. Dad recognized what happened to me as a kid for the first time verbally.. and I wish i wasn't so drunk otherwise i would have been able to expand and heal. Anyway, finally max and I got outta there yesterday the nieghbors and dad all helped us shovel a path 50 ft from the bottom of dads driveway to the road.. then we drove his car overheating suposedly to the dealership.. max told me i was giving him attitude when i told him after the 3rd worng exit that we should maybe call the dealership. well I was skating thin on making it back to west seattle to make it to work.. luckily the dealership was ready for us and had the loaner ready to go.. so i made it with time to spare. I have mabe the worst day at the bar ever ill talk more about that later.. im heading north to see bekah and give her things.. SUZYE call me about out PLANNNNNS! xoxox


Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Well we got a white Christmas! Dad and mad are currently shoveling his ford F150 out of the ditch in the driveway.. i think i could be stuck here for a nother night unless we want to shevel Max's lowerd VW Jetta GLI outta the snow...:( and be we I definately mean me. I have the verizon network but they dont follow me out to my dads house sadly. I have no cell service but every once in a while I'll get a text or qa notification of a new voicelmail.. it's okay though..i guess.i just spent 2 hrs playing nintendo WII tennis adn bowling and my shoulder is FUCKED up but i want to keep on playing.last night was fun I'll write about it and submit photos later on. xo



Thursday, December 18, 2008

I see nothing but white outside.

pretty groovy!

I got to see Suzye and Randy last night, I miss them so much. Luis came and Kendall did too!! I gave Randy his Christmas gift, I wish i had brought my camera because it looks SO perfect on him. heheh.

I work today.. it will be an adventure getting there. BRRRR I'll take photos of my winter wonderland and share them later. OOH I have some time.. I should upload my pictures from spending the night with Zak and Monica the other night.. Zak and I had a dance off on a patch of black ice! But I'm sipping hot cocoa and watching Christmas shows with ma. so we shall see.

xoxox have a great day and stay warm!



Saturday, December 13, 2008

I hope your birthday was even half as amazing as you are!!!xoxox



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My little sisters and i on thanksgiving! We where pretending that the camera was something hilarious! God they are gorgeous!

Ok and now I can type!
My kittehs are such lovers!! Sammy (big fluffy snow flake) Got 2 whole fangs pulled at the doc! He was so drunk and out of sorts when mom and I picked his cute little kitty butt up. He is stark white so the blood dribbling out of his mouth was startling, so mom was scrubbing it off (that’s when I snapped the pic below) he was so happy to see us after being alone in a kennel all day long, he even jumped up onto my lap all drunkard!

We went bowling! So fun! The people bowling next to us were German and they spoke pretty, one guy wore his pants up past his belly button leaving nothing to the imagination. Lol and the other guy wore a bright red t shirt that had huge letters that read “GO PLAY” with an arrow pointing to his crotch! I love them. We drank Snow Cap and PBR till we played 3 games (I didn’t come in last!)



Rainy Seattle Sunday

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Working for Julie for 2 days in a row is a workout. She never really knows what she wants me to do, so I’m left acting on a whim trying to be helpful but then she just ends up undoing what I just did. For example, She had a bunch of little ornaments she wanted me to hang in the window from the curtain less rod with fishing line. Easy right? Not right. I put up about 17-20 little orange wrapped boxes and little tin birds the way I saw fit, because...well, that is what I was told to do. Then I ended up taking them all down because she wanted to switch the curtain rod with the one that was in the front of the store. I put them all back on, only to then be told that she wants all the birds to be the same length (eye level) and ever OTHER orange box to be the same length (a little bit above eye level) so again, I undid and redid my cutting and tying and hanging with the merciless fishing line. She then asked me to write her a list of things she needs for the up and coming West Seattle Art Walk this Thursday (we have them every 2nd Thursday of every month along California avenue) to include things like cups and silverware to drinks and snacks. Ok, with all due respect how the fuck am I supposed to know what you want for your Art Walk party? I put down “holiday cookies” and “pie” right under “hot buttered rum” and “hot cider” and she was lie “No, no cookies or sweets I’m leaning toward tarts and dips.” Ahem, THAT IS WHY YOU WRITE YOUR OWN GOD DAMN LIST. Good god woman, I don’t have mind reading capabilities believe it or not. YOU know what you have in mind for YOUR party, I do not.

Ok, anyways. I most definitely could go on bitching and moaning but I will not. Julie does have an adorable Pug baby, Lola, who I absolutely adore, and I did get paid, and only have one more weekend of this foolishness. I will never be a personal assistant because this sort of “fly by the seat of your pants to please a 46 year old woman who acts as though she’s in a crisis” just doesn’t set well with me. Camille is just to stores over and I went over and got a pot brownie to aid in mellowing me in the midst the psychosis. Bless her! She also let me catch up on her advent calendar (she had only opened door one, and we’re on number seven! Yumyum)

Mom and I have the flex car, Ines, reserved all day tomorrow to take Sammy (big fat Persian kitteh) into the doc to get a tooth pulled, so we get to run errands all day long! Exciting! I get to get some Christmas shopping done while we have the luxury of wheels. Bussing is effective and eco-friendly, but can be near impossible to carry home a collection of groceries and things we can’t live without.

I went bowling with my mom and brother and Adam (bro’s roomie) at West Seattle Bowl. I came in second to last thanks to mom! Much fun! I have pictures that I will try to upload (no promises as the computer has been poopy lately)

I’m very excited to move into the two-bedroom downstairs next month. Mom, on the other hand is having second thoughts a is saying, “I don’t want to move if there’s no view.” But I’m almost sure there will not be as good of a view as this place because our balcony points East framing the city perfectly, and the apartment on the second floor is not only not as tall (naturally) but also points North, giving us a great view of the new condos next door, which is fine by me, I’m gaining a bedroom.. but mom is another story. Lets just keep our fingers crossed shall we? K? k!


Monday, December 1, 2008

(I wrote this last week and never got around to posting it.. )

So I am finally getting relief. The Doc forgot to tell me that the 2 weeks following medical treatment will get worse because the bacteria are dying, very cool. This week is going to be intense. I had a math exam this morning that I rescheduled to tomorrow because I needed another day to cool off. Last week I DID NOTHING for school, I left for Portland on Monday after school, for Stephanie’s Birthday. Skipping 2 days of school (BAD) but I got to see Naomi! And Steph and I haven’t been able to hang out for a while Because of her job. So I’m glad I went down there. I read my birth chart the whole way (four hours) it was great. I don’t know if I’m really CONVINCED, but I view it as an oracle-type of significance some of the things in it trigger memories and thoughts that I find helpful to many aspects of my life as of late. If any of you lovelies are interested, you can e-mail me your birthday and time and place of birth and I’ll gift you your chart!
The 12th is the LAST DAY OF FALL QUARTER! I get a break until January 5th! I’m making an appt to see the advisor about switching Community Colleges so I can go to central. Their campus is better, and seems a little less ghetto. I have made some good friends here and it’s easy to get here, But the Central campus has an array of photo classes.
Thanksgiving was a success. Mom ended up sleeping at Grandmas the whole morning while I cooked, and tried to kick Grandma out of the kitchen. She kept getting short of breath, and dizzy. She got really confused about what she was talking about when I asked her if the rolls she had where the peal apart kind. She was supposed to leave again this week, for the second time. But fell ill again, and is now at the UW medical hospital unable to leave Pete Gross house. I think that she wants to stay, she likes it, it’s a safe warm place. She’s so weak it makes me sad.
Well max and I went up to see dad and the kids up north. We had 2 dinners and a bunch of pie. It was a lot of fun. We played a family game hot potato. Everyone wrapped around the island in the kitchen and tossed potatoes! SO FUN! I have videos on my Youtube channel if your want to see the ridiculousness. The funniest one is the one where I hit my little brother DJ in the face with a broken potato! We stayed the night and most of the next day just watching CSI and playing Nintendo Wii.
Joseph invited me to Tacoma to go to a Bon Fire on Friday evening at his old co-worker Guytono’s place. We used to do that allot last summer and it was always a lot of fun. So after max dropped me off I went to Tacoma..and Joseph picked me up in his little sisters crappy smelly car with crappy smelly headlights and we got pulled over. He couldn’t even open the crappy smelly glove box so he couldn’t show the registration.. but the cop let us go anyway witch was cool. When we got to the bonfire Stephanie (guytono’s gf) was there, I love that girl and it was so good to see her, But it got really weird after Guytonos ex (and supposedly current) gf barged into the backyard yelling at guytono and stephanie about how they are still fucking.. so it was a lot of drama so I left. I feel really bad for Stephanie.. she’s such a great person, I had no idea that guytono was cheating on her :( But Jo and I got along, and actually had a good time drama aside.

So... Im done with school, for the holidays, don't go back until the 5th of the new year! I need to take this time and be social. I do have my final ENG portfolio due on monday.. adn then on the 10th, a meeting to make sure I got the right classes lined up for next quarter.

:) bubye for now. so tired. much love.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I just got in from work. I had to hustle home from Portland this morning on a Greyhound; I went down there on Monday after class to see Stephanie for her Birthday. We just staying in, Drank beer and sang songs, ate pizza and ice cream. It was basically the laziest day ever yesterday.

Tomorrow morning Maxwell’s picking mom and I up and going to Grandma’s @ Seattle Cancer Care. Yeah, I know I said she was cancer-free and going home.. But she got an infection and has to stay longer. I think that’s what she wants though. I went and spent the night with her a couple weeks ago, and that was when she new she was going to be leaving the fallowing Friday (she was even packing). Well she was telling me she was scared, worried that she can’t function well enough, that she gets confused. I felt bed, but I hope she’s not just anticipating her falling ill to make it so she’s unable to go home. Anyways, I hope tomorrow’s fun; mom and g-ma fight all the time. They had quite a falling out just about who was cooking the turkey and where. Max and I are leaving at aroud 4 to go up north and see the Siblings, Dad and Cheryl. This will be fun, I miss my sisters and brothers all the time.

I went to the Doctor for my itchy skin last weekish.. I don’t think I wrote about it (kind of embarrassing). I thought it was an allergic reaction to mom’s cat’s and their stupid fleas. But Vanessa told me that everyone at her school had been getting scabies, and I had been hanging with her and her friend at my apt I while ago, And her friend had it. They all got creams and it cleared right up. The Doc gave me 2 type of cream, and anti itch and allergy pills……AND NOTHING’S WORKING! If anything it worse! It’s the most frustrating thing in the world. Every inch of my body itching all the time, sometimes more than others, resulting in my scratching, hard, sometimes not stopping till I’m bleeding. You can probably imagine how this is leaving my skin. I look and feel terrible ladies and gentlemen. I’m going to get more cream, talk to the doc again, pay out the ass for something that might not work, because I don’t have Health insurance. Writing about this is making me cry. I am SO frustrated, I’m through being embarrassed, I’m sincerely concerned, it hurts! FUCK THIS!

Sorry.I itch real bad.


Just a Quickie

Friday, November 21, 2008

I realize I haven’t been as fruitful as I would like to be in this blog, but to be perfectly honest, I really only want to write my upbeat cheery happenings and attitudes on here. Reason being that that’s what I wish to project myself as (upbeat). I also don’t want the wrong people to get a hold of this, and have there feelings hurt. I have a heavy heart and head lately. Not well able to pinpoint the catalyst motivating this weakened mind state as of late, I am exhausted. I miss my god, the sun. I miss good friends. I can’t think of anything I want more than to be in a room full of people who love each other smiling, drinking and dancing.

I feel like…I’m missing out, almost like I’m running out of time.

It could very well be.

I digress


My name ain't Bic, but I keep That flame

Monday, November 17, 2008

I had a pretty good weekend! I had nothing planned at first, just reading up for finals week, and trying to program impossible math formulas in my brain so I can take the exams without cheating. To my delight I woke up to sunshine on Saturday morning, so I proposed that mom and I go downtown to Pike Place Market, and get breakfast and walk around. We both strapped our cameras on and set out. We went to this really good café for lunch, the name is escaping me, and they had an incredible organic juice bar. Yum yum. We walked around and around, through big crowds of people took cool photos and bought some cool things :)


We were on the way back when Max called and asked if I wanted to go to a movie!! It was just what I wanted to hear, I was kind of feeling in the dumps, and hanging out with my big bro is usually the antidote. So we went to dinner, mom came too, at Cactus on Alki, it was fun, my spirits lifted. Of course they get tasty beverages and I have to get the virgin lavender sour, but come the end of February, I will be having Mojitos and dirty martinis in PUBLIC!
Max and I dropped momma off at home and we went to catch the 10 o clock flick of Eagle Eye, the new-ish Shia Lebough movie. I loved it. I had to pee the WHOLE time, but I couldn’t leave, there was always something MAJOR happening. Oh and he got us some Clamato and Budwieser that we smuggled in, mwahaha. Sneeeeeky.

Well this week my group presents our Michael Jackson report. 50 minutes explaining to the class why MJ was the most influential pop artist of his generation (cake!) I have come to love Michael Jackson even more than I did already; I love sitting and watching MJ videos and being able to say I’m doing homework. My group’s been kind of a pain but I’m not making a big deal out of it because I know we’ll get a good grade regardless of whether they’ll listen to my ideas to spice up the dull power point.
I get to work the next two Wednesdays for Quinn, so her and Dean can go outta town. That’s exciting, on account of I’ve been spending way too much money lately and need to stop. So some extra hours will help pull me from my splurging hangover.

OH.my.GOD. I’m so excited I can’t even begin to express, for the Twilight movie, it’s coming to a theater near me on Friday. Suzye and I, and our moms…I think, are going to see it! Hell YES.

Welp that’s all I got, so talk to you later!



The times they are a changin.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Man, yesterday was weird, a real life Wacky Wednesday. I semi-woke-up to my alarm and immediately turned it off, shrugging off my 8am math lab (so easy to do). I got up in time to make it to R&R History, then went to the 12 o’ clock math lab to make up for my morning attendance. I was kind-of, I don’t know, bewildered all day long. I think that’s what it was. Since I left my bed I had this hazy remote panic floating around me. I haven’t felt that way in a long time, and I was panicking because I remembered this feeling, vaguely resembling a meek depression. I walked through school like a zombie, and didn’t speak at all other than to thank my math professor for her signature on my make-up attendance form. It could be because I was at the mall with Bekah the day before and celebrated Veterans Day by spending WAY too much money on 2 boxes of dead sea manicure sets because the guy hypnotized me in the mall. He first put some yummy smelling lotion on the top of my hand, once that was done he reeled me in closer, asking if he can see my hand. He had a sexy Brazilian accent and he made very startling eye contact. As he buffed my middle finger nail, he explained how good this was and yaddah yah. Finally he showed my silky shiny nail, in which I could see my reflection in, and told me he’d give me the set (the yum lotion, magical buffer, nail file, and cuticle oil) for half the regular price! I was reluctant…and this he could sense. He picked up another box, and said, “okay, because I like you, and I know you really enjoy this product, I’ll give you a second set, absolutely free!” I hung my head and accepted, he got me, $75.00 later. I have two sets of incredible nail buffers. Come get a manicure.
I also spent a lot of money on food, I bought Bekah lunch and dinner. I got a new nose ring and a belt. Spending money is stressful since I work only one day a week, I REALLY have to not do that anymore. Especially with Christmas coming, and so many friends and family!

I’ve been scratching the first layer of my flesh off for the last few weeks, and it is getting progressively worse. I have red welts and bumps all over my legs, and I’m positive that the reason is my mom’s cat’s flea crisis. She denies this accusation and tells me it’s a psychological induced rash, that due to stress I itch so relentlessly. I’m going to the Doctor tomorrow after school and will get a blood test done to get to the bottom of this.

So, anyway, I wasn’t able to fall asleep till’ 2am this morning, and forgot I had my phone on vibrate, so instead of waking to Buffalo Soldier, I awoke to my phone vibrating on the ground. I drew three whole pages in my sketch book, wild images! I will scan and share them asap.
I got to go kick it with my big brother and Brett the other day (Monday) and we jammed out and they coerced me into trying something I thought looked especially revolting. (Budweiser & Clamato) Enjoyed it!

Max came over to participate, and lend a hand in the War of the Flies. I was lying in bed watching Veronica Mars season 3 (RIP) and I looked over into Jade’s cage, and notice she had flies all over her! It was horrible; she looked like one of those African children with flies in their poor little eyes. So I got all the fly swatters, took the doors off and went to freaking nuts! I was sweating and listening to my Pandora ‘The Who’ radio station. I was experiencing serial killer tactics, and decided max needed to come over and get in on this, I called him and he came over and we killed SO MANY god damn flies, and cleaned Jades cage. And then went to hang out at his placey. Very

I'm off to work! xoxox


Goodmorning World!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Grandma and I had a good visit on Friday. I took a bus to the Pete Gross house and called her to see how the heck I get in. She was thrilled when she answered the phone and told me she was looking right at me. There was a camera right above the door that all the tenants can watch on channel 62 to make sure the person they are buzzing in is really who they say they are! Very neat. So I waved at grandma excitedly, her excitement got me thrilled to be seen, so I blew her a kiss (and everyone else who was tuned into channel 62 as well) as she buzzed me up.
She was really frazzled, trying to organize her insurance information in her binder full of medical papers when I got there. I felt really bad because I know with all the meds they have her on, it’s hard for her to concentrate. She was trying to describe to me how she was feeling, and I just nodded told her it’s okay. That she shouldn’t worry too much about getting it all organized. I went with her on the Shuttle bus that takes her from her Pete Gross house apt 4 blocks away to the Seattle Cancer Care Allegiance clinic so she could drop off her insurance papers, because she’s being given the green light to go home now. So with this week supposedly being her last week, she’s really nervous to go home, after getting so comfortable here and being taken care of. I feel bad, because I feel like she really doesn’t want to be alone in her little beach house in Gig Harbor. But I know she’ll do great. She’s a strong person, and is the most inspirational being that I’ve even met. She will be fine!
So after we returned from the clinic, Max came and swooped us up and took us to Pacific Place for dinner. That was fun, Grandma absolutely loves seeing max and I, and we don’t get together often enough. We talked about my L&I issues for a bit, and then my schooling, and Max’s career and new love of his life. Grandma is really excited to meet Erin, Max’s new Girlfriend who lives in Hawaii and invited her to come to thanksgiving with us at Uncle Bills. Oh me oh my, Max is SO in love with this girl. I’m very happy for him, but skeptical as well, because I’m just worried he’ll get his heart broken somehow.
I have a lot to do this week with respect to school. My group in Rock and Roll History is supposed to be more advanced in a project due in 9 days about Michael Jackson and his influence on the world. It’s an hour long presentation and we haven’t gotten anything done past the outline! I’m sure it won’t be hard to get it done with the time we have left, but that’s only because of the fact that our instructor is lenient and as long as we make sense we will get a good grade. Most of the students in the class speak English as a 2nd language and hardly know how to comprehend the class as a whole.
I’m struggling with my math class. Something about math and I just don’t compute. I was taking an exam last week and I was using a multiplication table to help me save time and energy (the class is 45 minutes and that’s not a lot of time for me to get the exam completed) and a calculator... the instructor told me that I’m not allowed to use these tools(I knew). I was frustrated and told him that I’m slightly dyslexic and have trouble computing problems in my head without help from these tools. He just smiled at me and said, “what if you go to the store and have want to buy 3 cans of soup for $.80 each, how are you going to know how much money you need.” I’m positive this is the dumbest example he could have come up with, and I automatically took a sarcastic tone and told him that each are under a dollar, and if I have at least 3 buck’s I’ll have enough money.. GAHHH! He always has snot dripping down his top lip, out of his hairy nostrils, dripping into his mouth and has a really creepy throaty voice. My math teacher bothers me, needless to say. But to be honest, I’ve had a similar description for all of my past math teachers, If only I could have an extremely attractive math instructor--maybe I’ll be more likely to fill in the gaps and learn how to be better at it. Haha.

OH! And some exciting news! We’re moving into a 2 bedroom next month! I get a room! My own space! SO excited! AHHH

Have a good Monday every one!!



Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Friday!

Well I haven’t updated in a little while, school has got me so tired lately! Plus I got the third season of Veronica Mars :)
So the weekend trip to Portland to see Chris Cornell was a success! I got to see beautiful Naomi!! I love her so much its ridiculous. I had a horrible attitude and headache the whole way down to Portland but as soon as I saw Naomi running toward me I felt infinitely better! We got to be right in the front of the stage :) so cool. I had a little bit of a headache but I toughed it out and had fun.
Welp, I have an exam on the Brittish invasion and Surf Rock next period so I have to go cram in some last minute notes!
I get to spend tha night with Grandma Sharon tonight! An update on her: CANCER FREE!!!!
Thats right, Grandmas almost on day 100 after her Marrow transplant and she's doing great! she will be home by Thanksgiving, where we will be together at her beach house eating and loving and laughing! I am so thankful my amazing Grandmother has beat her awful cancer! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOOOOOOOOH!
Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!
Much love!


The end of anticipation arrives tomorrow

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

There glimpses of light through the foggy haze of murky gray--
People are here. Eating food and having conversations. I keep on finding myself just standing in the midst of the madness out there --just standing with the blankest look on my face.


Some good words to read/look at.
By the time you swear you're his,
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is infinite, undying
-Lady make note of this:One of you is lying.
- - - -Dorothy Parker "Unfortunate Coincidence"

I have always hated being a liar.

- wear your best suit.

if yor going to sanfransisco

Today I'm feeling _________!


Ho Hum

Thursday, October 30, 2008

These last few days have been very productive! Tuesday mom and I went Grocery and vitamin shopping (we were out of almost everything!) the only thing we didn’t get /couldn’t find is a fly swatter (and that totally sucks because there are a ton of flies that live with us). Yesterday we went downtown and shopped for Halloween make-up! It was cool; I got fangs and blood too. Even though I have to work tomorrow I’m still going to be scary DAMNINT!
I’m excited for the adventure to Portland this weekend! I need an adventure, I can’t wait to see Naomi, and be warmed by the love radiating from her! Wow, one whole night with her! SO HAPPY!
I’ll come back and post pictures later of me being a scary seductress of the undead...
I love Vampires!
I hope you are all doing SO good. xoxo


Closing out another weekend

Sunday, October 26, 2008

This is Bekahs bottem lip.
A blurry mixer tin

Bekah and Muchee

This....is bekah not drinking her strong cocktail I made for her. haha


This is Anika in an elephant costume drinking Framboise. Yum yum

This was before the show got shutdown, they were backstage geting all ready. :(

Well the Hump Fest was almost a no-go due to moms illness but at the last minute she pulled through! We bussed over to Queen Anne and watched the amature porn films and rated them lol. I thought watching porn in a room with a bunch of strangers sounded like fun, but was worried that it would be weird with mom there. But they where all really funny..not porn that's like.. "Ohh this is hot, I'm horny" it was like "ooh this is funny, and I'm not turned on at all, cool" so that was neat.
My brother and Adam (his roommate) came and picked us up to go to the KUBE93 haunted house. When we got there the line was wrapped around the block 295734 times and I wasn't that excited to wait in the cold... PLUS I only had three tickets from Bekah and needed on emore because I didn't know Adam was coming too. We decided to go eat and have some mac n jacks and drop mom off and come back, which was an amazing game pan because we go there when the line was just dwindling to a small crowd. We smoked a couple bowls and got all scared, and went in. I go to see Bekah in action, being all creepy (but SOOO cute) Max and Adam and I were the VERY last people to go through, so it wasn't all that scary... but still rocked.
We wanted to go to Max's and chill but Bekah decided she was too tired, so just went we watched some family guy and I made Max drive me home at 3a.m. :-/ oh well.

Friday I was supposed to be Bekahs stage show Hardcore Saves the World, but the cops shut it down. It was so wild to be at a rave, I haven't been to one in SO long, and to see the teenage waist land just how it used to be when I was submerged in it was SUCH a trip. Bekah and her playmates were all pretty upset, because they put allot of work into the show.. so we all went to Keith's house, which wasn't far away, and got drunk and watched Planet Earth. I was blown away, and if you haven't seen it you should definitely watch... AMAZING, we watched the BBC version, muted, and blasted music. we Laughed, and cried and creamed.. What a great night! I made some new friends and got to get closer with some peeps I Haven't seen in a while, I took some funny videos too.
Well next week is Halloween! and i still don't know what I'm gonna be! I will probably just go get some gory face makeup and stick-on scratches!! I'm only gonna be working... ho hum. Then on Saturday Mom and I are renting a car and going to Portland to see the Chris Cornell concert! NAOMI IS COMING WITH US!!!! I can't find words to describe how happy I am about this! I believe we are staying in Portland, and then coming back on Sunday, but I want to stay for the sauna that Naomi tells me is so amazing.

Welp, I finished my second draft of my essay about child abuse, and i must say, I am VERY proud of it. I'll keep you posted on my grade, I should be getting in 8-10 days.


The laughter of Autumn

Friday, October 24, 2008


I went to T-town and spent the night with Monica, and I spun fire...I just have been having a crazy urge to do it lately. So she took pictures, YAY. I think a burnt piece of kerosene-saturated torch flew into my open mouth, because I started choking and coughing wildly in the middle of it. Yuck yuck.


Monica took pictures of me for her photography assignment!
she's very talented.
no i didnt start smoking again.. she asked me to be a poser...I complied.
she's got another really awesome one of me sitting along the old train tracks surrounded by condemned Tacoma, I'll post it later.

So it's Friday yet again! I have a good night at work last night, It was VERY busy! no one yelled at me, I accidentally ignored a costumer, that i thought i put on the list but.. they got pissed and left cause they waited longer than the other twelve groups waiting..sheesh! My mom swooped me up in her cab, on her way home from working downtown, and we stopped and got so cheese and wine :) very nice! I started an art project. hmmm OH I'm going to see Bekah perform her stage show: Hardcore Saves The World tonight. It will be the first rave I've been to sense the huge one at the Science center two years ago or so.. And on Saturday I'm going to the HUMP festival, that should be interesting! I have no idea what to expect, take a look @ HUMP!.

I hope this finds every one happy, healthy and prosperous!


scribble things!! soooo cool

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Do it!



The secret is in the Telling...

Monday, October 20, 2008

I had such a hard time waking up today. I almost turned off my alarm and slept through my math class. But that would be bad, so I just slipped my shoes and coat on and lay in bed until I heard the loud bus outside, then ran out and jumped on it! Here I am at school like a good-girl not missing classes! But I’m hungry because I was too lazy to make a shake this morning, and I don’t even want to go into the kitchen because the dishes are sky-high and crusty, gross and smelly! Eek, I have my work cut out for me when I get home.
SO my weekend was good, I went down to Tacoma after class on Friday, I met Monica at TCC and got to see her photography class. The smell of the dark room made me nostalgic, bringing me back to high school, when I took photo every year, and a semester taking it at Highline Community college. I really MISS IT! I decided next semester I’m going to jam in one more class, Photography. It will be amazing!!
So we strutted around Tacoma taking pictures, until my batteries died, she took pictures of me for her assignment, that was neat! She took pictures of my spinal tattoo and the tattoo she did on my hip. Then went to some industrial deserted part of Tacoma, where we were stopped by the police, they left us alone when I told them we weren’t prostitutes, or crack addicts, just art students with an eye for hazardous scenery. We drank two bottles of wine and played chess and scrabble, typical old lady night! We snuggled with her kitten and took a bunch of photos, then went to bed.
I had to call West 5 Saturday morning to see if they needed me to come in, luckily Quinn loves me and told me to enjoy the gorgeous day with my friend! So Monica and I went to Value Village and I got some new jeans! They’re Lucky Brand and they’re brand new for only 9 bucks, SCORE!!! Monica put on a wedding dress for fun, and we took pics. I love that girl so much. We went to coffee in UP with Theresa, and then had to stay busy because her mom had a dinner date with a private investigator at her house, so what better way to kill time than to go to Borders! We spent three whole hours drinking coffee and looking at photography books, and Post Secret. Then she took me to the bus stop and I bussed back to Seattle and my brother picked me up downtown and we got some beer and watched three movies, and smoked three joints. I don’t really remember what we watched, but one of them was called “Strange Wilderness” or something and I laughed my ass off. The tattoos on the eye-lids is something I will never get over, SO good. And the shark laugh..ah god, good movie.

In the morning we went to breakfast and both ordered something that we really didn’t mean to order, it was very odd. Then he dropped me off at Divinas where I witnessed the worst dog fight I’ve ever seen! I felt helpless, the two Rat Terriers where ripping each other apart, the idiotic owner had the two dogs that were fighting tied to the same leash, not allowing them more than about 10 inches of space between them. God it was stressful, luckily a man saw it and pulled over, I was awestruck, and couldn’t do anything but watch in horror. The man pulled a rug from his truch and threw it over one of the terriers, who had a death grip on the other ones’ face! He got them separated enough to undo the leash of one, the whole time I was asking the stupid Asian woman what the hell she was thinking. Julie and Nita (from the salon next to Divinas) came out to see what all the commotion was about, they were shocked! And I told Nita to get her phone and call animal control, I wasn’t going to let this woman take both of the dogs back so that they could just kill each other later. The lady spoke little to no English; all she kept saying was “iss okie, diss mother - diss father, dey play all de time!” uhm… “They aren’t playing fucking idiot, look, his face is bleeding!” needless to say I was fired up, the woman’s American, perfect English-speaking husband came and took both of the dogs. I had been holding the shivering shaking dog (fucking sweetheart) his poor ear lacerated and his face swelling more by the minute. He was whimpering, and I was crying and shaking too, because I was so PISSED. Animal never showed up because it was a Sunday and there was only one animal control officer on duty in the area. Great!
Anyways, Julie and I were both really shook up, and although we had a lot of work to do, we sat and drank a beer venting about how much that just plain sucked. Then we cooked a huge delicious Mediterranean meal; with homemade taziki and hummus, and I learned how to make a Greek salad. Mmmm! Julie and Robby (an artist helping with the shop) had Lamb, and I seriously considered breaking edge and eating meat, but I decided today wasn’t the day. But I have a feeling that I won’t be able to hold out much longer, I have been getting the urge to each a big ol’ juicy steak, but the urge only last for 5 minutes and then I don’t feel that way anymore. Maybe I’ll get really wasted on New Years and just get a mixed meat sandwich (lol). Oh boy.
I’ll be posting some pictures from this weekend a little later, after I get home and get those appalling dishes done. I’m pretty sure that today is going to be the day I finally finish the last chapter of “ Breaking Dawn” I have no idea what’s going to happen, and I’ve been dragging one chapter on for almost a week and a half because I’m so reluctant to be finished with the Twilight saga that I love so much! Oh well I have another saga that Bekah’s excited to start me on.
Happy Monday everyone!!


with your roots.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I did it. I got through this week! I finished my essay draft 1. I aced my math lab quiz, I'm moving onto the next class on Monday! I worked three long nights at the bar, aways a bit stressful, but I'm getting better at this fragile sensitivity sappy crap. I've gotten a lot of beautiful insight on life from my friends at work. Gee, a boy that works there, left me a note in the tip-tin that said:

"Be a tree
stand tall with your beliefs
extend your branches
to feel the light
but guard yourself
with your roots
with your roots
you hold on tight"

I'd only told him i was feeling all 'jumbled' and insecure. He doesn't talk much, but for some reason I just decided I would open up to him. I'm glad I did. I needed to hear this, it's refreshing to know that some one, for no reason other that love and care, would share with me his mantra.

my brother is talented.

have a good weekend lova(s)


some photog of myne enjoy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



"The Holy Grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it." Wall and Peice

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