
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My little sisters and i on thanksgiving! We where pretending that the camera was something hilarious! God they are gorgeous!

Ok and now I can type!
My kittehs are such lovers!! Sammy (big fluffy snow flake) Got 2 whole fangs pulled at the doc! He was so drunk and out of sorts when mom and I picked his cute little kitty butt up. He is stark white so the blood dribbling out of his mouth was startling, so mom was scrubbing it off (that’s when I snapped the pic below) he was so happy to see us after being alone in a kennel all day long, he even jumped up onto my lap all drunkard!

We went bowling! So fun! The people bowling next to us were German and they spoke pretty, one guy wore his pants up past his belly button leaving nothing to the imagination. Lol and the other guy wore a bright red t shirt that had huge letters that read “GO PLAY” with an arrow pointing to his crotch! I love them. We drank Snow Cap and PBR till we played 3 games (I didn’t come in last!)



Suzye Qzee December 9, 2008 at 5:00 PM  

you are so beautiful syd. I MISS YOU! are you out of school yet?


"The Holy Grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it." Wall and Peice

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