Monday, August 25, 2008
Ahh, (sigh of refief). I just got home from work. I walked all the way from admiral and avalon to sw seattle and california ave. in the rain AND wearing my comfy pants adn slippers. (comfy pants are very baggy, thus now very wet). I have to work again tomorrow morning.then dog sitting this weekend for Sandie. Her dogs are very old, and one of them (Darby) is so old she can hardly walk, it's so sad to watch her wabble around. I have to carry her back legs up the stairs (cuz they don't work well at all) and last time i dog sat for Sandie, Darby peed on my leg while helping her up the stairs. I will miss bumper shoot :( between working at Luna and West 5 and sitting doggies, I will definately be a zombie. BUT! the good thing is that this all means I have money coming in my direction, and it's about friggin time, I forgot what it's like to have money saved up, I've been livin off poket lint for quite a while. So my stress is getting better.. I'm not feeling too bad about Jo anymore. But I DO miss suzye and Naomi and Lindsey. Lindsey is gunna be leaving soon.. and I never got to say goodbye! :(
I just watched the last episode of Season 3 of CSI now this means that I am depressed because when Im not working, I like to read and watch CSI. now I can only read until i get the next season. :( I need breaks, I cant read for a long period of time because i space out and will have read an entire chapter only to realize i have no idea what happened!
Well, I'm off to edit some photography. I tooke some good ones this weekend.
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