Tuesday, September 2, 2008

pet/house sitting lately. Darby old and sad to look after. Her back legs hardly work for her at all. I have to carry her up and down the 4 stairs so she can go outside and potty, and then she just stands there and looks up at me with her leaky old doggy eyes as thought to ask me,"why am I here?" She waddles around the front yard peeing and sometimes her limpy legs get peed on. sometimes she pees on me when i pick her up to carry her up the stairs. She's such a sweetheart, but Sandie really should consider Darby's quality of life at this old age. I took some photos of the pets and I'm going to run over to Bartells and make some prints and leave them for Sandy as a gift. She DID stock the fridge
with buds for me while she's gone. :)I'm in love with Pierre, Sandie's cat, who is as old as I am, but still very sturdy and full of kitten spunk. I went into the bedroom yesterday after I had just mad the bed, and I noticed a bib lump under the blanket.. IT WAS PIERRE!! he snuggled his cute little self right under the blanky, SO CUTE! Dakota is full of spunk and life too, he is very old as well but not quite up there with Darb's. Dakota protects me while I sleep and runs around with Pierre. He's my buddy, I want to take him for walks, but i feel like taking Darby's buddy out of the house and leaving her behind would stress her out too bad.

In other news, I don't have to work at all until Thursday, so that's neat. What's not neat is that I invited a boy from work over to watch a Bob Saget Comedy Central special with me at Sandie's last night, He brought some weed and beer, and I got tired fast. I was kinda hinting that I was tired and it was my be
dtime, But this guy didn't show any interest in leaving. He had that 'look' in his eye. Usually guys wont hit on me because I'm "intimidating" but this guy grabbed me and went right for it.. I dodged him and scooted far away from him on the couch and he was all, "oh c'mon don't resist me." I told him this isn't why I invited him over.. and he started telling me that he wasn't leaving till I kissed him. I told him it wasn't gunna happen, and he started getting feisty and he held my arms down and fucking tried to kiss me! Can you believe that? I couldn't. I grabbed the closest thing to me, happened to be a beer, and I poured it on him. I was pretty waisted and pissed off I don't really remember what happened next.. I opened the front door and went upstairs till I heard him leave. I have never had some one force themselves on me like that before. It sucked. I woke up feeling so dirty and violated (and hungover).

On a lighter note, I got to hang out with my family last night! I never get to do that so it's always amazing when I get to see all my beautiful siblings. we had a huge dinner (I forgot to take home my leftovers :( ) Emilie and I took pictures of ourselves. Then my little niece Kaitlyn and I started playing around with the web cam (she loves to have her picture taken) It turned into a huge crazy photo shoot, My sisters Samantha and Emilie both got in on the action, and so did my big brother Max. It was great fun.. see for yourself!
OH! and lately.. Elvis Presley has my heart. I have been listening to "Suspicious Minds" over and over and over. And at work i spent upwards of 7 bucks playing it on the jukebox.

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