Friday, January 16, 2009
SO.. moms gone till late Saturday..
I get home from school 20 minutes ago and was overwhelmed with the rankest smelling cat shit the world has ever known.. so I scooped both litter boxes and it was as if the smell was following me around, IT WAS, and meowing at me for food! Sammy's butt has a GIGANTIC white fur-ball blocking his butt hole, and there's WHOKNOWSHOWMUCH slimysmelly cat poo stuck on his booty!! EEEW!! So I called mom and she was like
"Sydney, you know what you have to do! you have to put gloves on and slowly cut it all away, GENTLY, don't cut his balls because his little nutter butters are back there. But you can't just leaving it because he can get an infection..." and she jsut hung up on me...
I'm waiting for bekah to be here so she can hold him down.. OMG it smells SO bad.. I have 5 sticks of Nag burning....my eyes are watering, and I wish I hadn't eaten today.
Sorry in advance B.
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