This and That
Monday, February 16, 2009
I had some wild dreams last night. It’s progress to even be able to say that much. I’m loosing more and more as the seconds pass, but that’s a lot of seconds that have past since opening my eyes. So all I’m left with now are bits and pieces of gorgeous landscapes and friends and family. There was a point that I was in a fight with some one, an actual physical brawl. I was using everything I had (finger nails, elbows, knees) and nothing would work, he pulled out a needle and thread from his pocket ( and from this point my perspective changed from mine to someone watching us) As a bystander I really wanted to do something, as much sense as that makes…but c’mon it’s a dream, I saw the boy with the needle and thread and his stance and new that he was going to sew me!! When he did, the needle went in through my wrist and out through my forearm. I didn’t feel it because I was watching this from afar, but I immediately felt sorry for myself and started helping. I knew that my powers where useless against this boy but as soon and I shoved myself out of the way so that I could take him on. As I did, he seemed powerless and weakened under my hold, and I felt sorry for him and curious as to why he was after me. He didn’t speak my language, so I just held his limp body as he murmured meaningless sentences. I realized that he had thread strung up the length of his arms. I carefully pulled out the thread and he left. And I went and did the same for my arm; I could feel the thread coming out even though I was still in the third person. And that’s all I remember from that dream. I think all this was going on in a gym, very similar to the elementary school I went to (Alki). I had another dream where my hole family was involved, we were on a vacation but something went terribly wrong and I think that we were being held hostage. Ahhh I can see clips of visuals in my memory but nothing that has enough substance to be able to write about in much detail.
I’m always woken up in the middle of a dream by my alarm and I immediately have to open my eyes to turn it off. The weekends when I don’t have to be woken up by an alarm are my only chance! But the past few mornings mom has come barreling in to wake me up with tea and plans for the morning. Haha. I’m going to master dreamland soon enough. I have a book that I’ll start reading, to learn the ancient Indian tricks of controlling your dreams. I’m excited to see how it goes. I do remember a time when I was at Camp White for the summer, I was dreaming in my trailer when I stopped and said to myself (in my dream) “hey I’m dreaming right now, Dad said to try and realize I’m dreaming and if I can look at my palm!” So I looked at my palm and started walking around dreamland with my hand in front of my face. I was on top of a lighthouse high up in the clouds, it was completely silent other than the seagulls and the sound of the ocean. And I was in complete control of every step and movement. I think what happened is I walked right off the lighthouse because I couldn’t see (with my hand in front of my face and with the clouds thick and white all around me). It was the most incredible feeling though. To be able to do anything you want, see anything you want to and have the personal power to direct where you go, who you are with, and what you do. I’ll keep you updated in my expedition to having a dream life. It’s a big deal because starting Tuesday (tomorrow) I’m going to be operating much like a machine.
My new schedule will be like so:
Monday—wake up @ 6am bus leaves @ 7am school starts @ 8am leave school at 2pm (or stay longer to do home work and study) no work on Mondays! So I have Monday evenings to myself
Tuesday—Same, wake up and leave by 7 to be @ school by 8am school it up till 2 bus home by 3 and yoga till 4:30. Shower and leave for the bus by 5:18 work from 5:30 till it’s dead (usually between 10:30-12) come home and crash.
Wednesday—School again (lets just say 7-2) or stay longer and work on studious ventures until 4. No work on Wednesday unless Quinn wants me to take her shift as she’s been fond of doing lately, and I view it both as me doing her a favor and her doing me one. So either yoga with Elise Gulan on ExerciseTV on On Demand, or skate to the gym and do the yoga classes and then sit in the amazing steam room’s and sauna’s.
Thursday—School (7-2) bus home by 3 do whatever I can before 5, leave for the bus at 5:18 work from 5:30 till whenever I get to leave, Bus home and crashhhh.
Friday—School (7-2) (basically the same as Thursday except instead of starting at 5:30 I start at 4pm…) Since I don’t have school on Saturday I might be able to do some socializing Friday’s after work if the opportunity arises! Weehoo!
Saturday—SLEEP IN and work on reiterating my dreams into my dream journal, hopefully being able to control them and fully retain all the amazing events! Do whatever living life I can do until I have to work at 4. Usually for until 11:30 or 12 on Saturday’s then come home and do whatever I feel like doing because I DON’T have shit to do on Sundays!
Sunday--(These are usually going to be mine and Bekahs’ Olympia day trips to see Suzye, Nick and Randy, bus down in the morning and bus back in the evening :) )
Monday, again—school (7-2) homework or whatever I need to do because I don’t have to work Monday’s!! So after spring quarter this will mean that my Actual weekend will be Sunday-Monday.
I am getting Great grades this quarter, and plan to do the same thing next quarter. Fall quarter was pretty funky because I had to get into the swing of school again. So my unofficial online transcript looks horrid… Because I did attempt to go to South Seattle Community College Spring of 06 but ended up getting NC in American Government and a 1.6 in Creative Writing (That astounds me because I only went for half the quarter) I don’t even know what my transcript from Highline looks like, because I went for a half quarter there too, but then got in my car accident and life took an unexpected turn so I most likely have some 0’s and NC’s there too, no bueno. And unfortunately last quarter my silly Math lab instructor gave me 0.0 because he has no communication skills whatsoever. And I got a 2.6 in English 101 last quarter where I was so sure I wouldn’t/couldn’t get lower that a 3.0. Well I’m all geared up and ready to kick ass from now on. Hopefully by the Time I get my transfer all this University nonsense will be blown over so I actually have a chance to get in. I have some idea’s in mind, but Mom’s saying so doesn’t want me to take out one single loan for my entire academic career… we’ll see how that goes. I’m leaning toward photojournalism mostly and also the more I stimulate and exercise my Environmental studies mind I’m leaning more toward a jumbled mix of everything. Haha. I’m excited about the future though. SO EXCITED!
Well there’s you Presidents day ramble from yours truly. I hope everyone’s enjoying the holiday break (if in-fact you do have today off)
Much love!
I'm excited to hear how controlling your dreams goes, keep me posted. It does not happen as often as it used to but I used to be able to control my dreams all the time. I still remember my first time, I was in a room that was like the old atari game Qbert, (kind of like a pyramid) but everything was white like the matrix or something, and I remember being like "I'm going to fly over there" and I did. Now whenever I realize I am dreaming I immediately start to fly. (Or have sex)
That's exactly what I want to do! That’s incredible that you've been doing it. I've done it but once, and since then it seems as though I close my eyes, and then open them...and everything in-between is lost and seemingly insignificant. I want to be able to fly on command to wherever I want. And hang out with whoever I want!!I want to have an incredible dream world for me to escape reality to every night. I will keep you posted ;)
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