busy busy
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Well after thinking that I would have Saturday off, Dev (jerk from West5) called to remind me that I had agreed (about a month ago) that I would cover his shift tonight. I was totally down with working at West 5 as always, because I love it there! I got to see Jana, who got fired from Luna Park shortly after I started working there. And I also saw Gayle (the cook at Luna).
Whenever I work at the bar, compared to when I work at Luna, it's almost as if I'm not even working, I'm just hanging out with friends at a bar! Of course not drinking...but it's just so fun!
So anyway, My book I started last week is amazingly captivating. I can't put it down, nearly reading all 650 pages in 3 days. Lucky for me there's 3 more books the same size after I finish this one. :) I'm glad I have such a sweet escape.
Today I work until close at Luna *shrug*. My last shift there(Friday) I confronted the Host manager, Suzy and asked her face to face whether I had done some thing or not to make her specifically short with me. I see her yuckin' it up with the other employees there, laughing and joking around like humans do, but it's gotten very tough for me to overlook the fact that as soon as she looks in MY direction she glares and tells me to do something. So after getting a huge list of chores done, and being reprimanded like a 5 year old, I simply asked her if she had a moment to talk to me. She had a suspicious/curious look, but she complied and asked em whats up. Whenever I express myself to someone, especially an older woman that has been being mean to me, I revert back and immediately get teary-eyed because of my bunk childhood. I brought to her attention that i had been noticing that she's been specifically short with me starting at day ...3. and I asked her if there was something I specifically did to deserve it.. all she said in response was,"welcome to management life honey" then she was gone.
No. I've been a manager myself. and there really is no need. Some people there noticed her unfairness toward me and consoled me telling me (what i thought was jokingly until more and more people said it) "it's just because you are young and hot, and the is old and ugly." I'll take that. hehe.
shake it off.
So friday night after skating Alki all the way home, slipping into my Jammie's and curling in to bed with my glass o' wine and my book, my kitty-cat curled up next to me. I stroked his long, soft belly hair and then to my horror (and surprise) he latched onto my unsuspecting wrist chomped his fangs into the fragile flap of skin between my thumb and pointer finger, held my wrist with his front paw and started scratching my wrist with his back talons! I was in shock, I tried to shake him off but he only squeezed tighter.. I started to cry because a:)it hurt and b:)My feelings were hurt! finally he loosened his hold on my and a shoved him off the bed, where he sat meowing at me, like he was pissed at me for pushing him off the bed. I looked down at the burning bloody mess and there was a shit ton of stinging cat scratches all along my most important vein in my wrist. Thanks Houston.

Sheesh. Now people are going to think I have issues.
Ah heck, the sun is shining today, and I refuse to let Luna park, regardless who's working, get me down today. I LOVE LIFE
Hi Wootie! It's Mom. You didn't log out so I read this latest blog entry. Dev? Who is Dev and why is he icky?
I love you.
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