Thursday, September 11, 2008
Oh my. This week has flown right by. I got enrolled in my associates program at SOUTH on Monday, I'm now enrolled in English102, Math82, Journalism. I am going to try doing the online course for English, because the only times available where peek times to be working at the bar/cafe. Speaking of cafe; Luna Park basically ripped me off on hours (whats new?) the scheduled me to work tonight, Thursday from 5-close, which is the only day that I repeatedly remind every one there that i work at West 5 THURSDAYS ONLY. So i just told them.. that I can't work on Thursdays, I would have worked for some one this morn.. and then left in time to get to the bar by 5. but no takers, so I said I just wouldn't be able to make it. I worked at the bar tonight, found out that Toni is reading the same book as me.. well I'm only on book 1 of 4. and she's on the last one. So I'm uber excited to be able to have something in common with someone there and now have something to occupy the dull silent slow times. HAHA.
In other news, Julie Anderson came into the bar today and extended an invitation to a cocktail party at John Benet's (the owner of Luna Park). Mind you; the last time i spoke to Julie was when she stiffed me when i was doing chores around her shop and gardening for her for $15/HR but she decided I only deserved to be payed for the project. yeah anyways I mouthed off to her face and to Sandie, (who ended up telling her what i said..Karma's a bitch) So Julie and I haven't spoken since the beginning of August. I have to admit, I missed the lady. I was so close to writing her a letter of apology. Not having anything imp articular to be sorry for.. but i just hate it when there's bad blood. Bad news is that I wont be able to make it to the cocktail party (I miss those most about our friendship) haha. I have to work tomorrow from 2 until 11. oh well Ill have me own cocktail party!! I can't tear my face away from this book I've been reading anyways! I'm Reading "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer. It's a love story about a girl and a vampire. Since I have zero romance in my life (applause please) I'm living Vicariously through Bella. Edward is so dreamy, I wish a magical, mysterious man would sweep me out of the way of an oncoming, potentially deadly, vehicle. I just finished the 1st season of Veronica Mars (AWESOME) Between Luna Park, West5, Grandma, school, Twilight, Veronica Mars and Love letter writing; My life is jam-packed with excitement.
That's right I said love letter writing.
Grandma Called me today, I was shopping downtown with mom. She assured me it wont be long and she'll be out there with us shopping and going to cafes again (our old weekend ritual). I miss her so much, she sounds great though, healthy, not too tired like she sounded when she first got sick. I mailed her the sweetest card I could collaborate last week, and she called to tell me she received it, and she started crying. She told me that she'd always have it, that it meant the world to her. I'm glad. I wrote some quotes that she once gave me, very uplifting and encouraging quotes. When I would stay the night at her house in Gig Harbor, before she sent me off to school in the morning, she would make me a lunch. I would be so eager to read the sticky note she put in there, always setting my mood straight to conquer high school. here's one of my faves:

"Set high standards for your life, love, creativity and wisdom. If you do
every day and every decade will be worth looking forward to!
Run, run, run! Feel the energy!
I think that was a day I have to run the mile for PE or something.. I don't know where she came up with all of them, but without fail every morning, I would have a scrumptious lunch, and an uplifting, strengthening tidbit on a pink sticky note. I love you SO much Grandma! Beat your cancer! I can't imagine the world without you in it..
off to read my book. Once I dry my eyes. Goodnight.
Love, Creativity and thats perfect. Go Grams!
Hope all is well, thanks for the update in Sydworld!
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