Sunday, September 7, 2008
Last night vanessa spent the night. It was great to see her! she's been all up and down the west coast roadtripping before she's gotta start school again. Oh how I envy travelers, adventurerers(..?) This summer has been well, I don't want to say dissapointing, but very uneventful. OHmWELL. I will just ahve to work extra hard this year to get on the right track. Or just any track at all. I have been feeling very optomistic and hopeful, excited even, for starting school AS WELL AS working 2 jobs (and at the moment only having my legs, a long board, and a broken bike).
My Grandma sent me a BEAUTIFUL card. In the shape of a butterfly (a pink butterfly)! And arounf the outer edges it has lime green filmtrim. She put a check in there for $250 to help me with my fees to get my license reissued. And for my fees at the Library. I left my Ghost World soundtrack in Portland, and D.J. was supposed to send it to me but it never got here.. so I owed the library 28 bucks. :( I LOVE my grandma. She (i don't know if I've mentioned it yet) Is currently residing at Seattle Cancer Care Alligence. She got diagnosed with lukemia shortly after being hospitalized for passing out for no reason while working (as a house cleaner). I remeber the first time Max and I went in to see her. She had just found out what it was. And she hugged me hard and started crying.. I haven't seen grand,a cry since I was staying in Clevland OH. with her and her (now) ex-husband. He came home after Grandma and I had no clue where he was.. I was all of maybe 11 years old. When we did here him come home, He said hello and I yelled,"where have you BEEN Grandpa!?" no, not in a 'you're hiding something' kind of a way more like a 'wow we didnt hear from you all day and it's real late!' So any was when grandma and I came upstairs with the laundry Grandpa was sitting at the table.. he scolded me for asking him where he'd been and told me it was none of my damn business. Grandma tried to step in and tell him not to get after me about it.. that it's really what the two of us where wondering. He then started yelling at her (not obvious at all that he is trying to hide something) so grandma whipered for me to go to my room. It didn't do any good because I heard his voice booming through all of the 4 rooms that separated us. This finally quieted down and my door slowly opened, and grandma closed the door behind her. Her face was pink and her eyes were cherry red. She sat on my bed with me tried to say "I'm sorry." But her lips curled and her face scrunched, just like I looke when i cry. I hugged her, not fully undersdtanding then, that that was the day Grandma found out her husband was seeing someone else. anyway.. that's the onyl other time I've seen Grandma cry. But to wrap this all up, she's sounding so great, and hopefully I can get some time to visit her soon. It's been about 30 days since her Bone marrow transplant. She's going to beat Cancer!!! :)
anyways. I'm off to a 10 hour shift a Luna Park. ahhh, I am optomistic. I have a pulled calf muscle from skating Alki stretch the last 2 nights. so this might not be so fun. I am optomistic.

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