Monday, January 5, 2009
Right, so before I freak out and cry..I'll calmly explain how i just wrote a 3 page post in a word document and cut (not copied) the whole thing to paste here. It's really funny (not ha ha funny) that toward the end of the short novel of explaining what I did all of winter break, I even said something along the lines one "I am drinking the most amazing tea right now, I am make-believing that it's giving me super powers, and I must say it's working because I'm multi-tasking like a mofo right now!"...etc.
So I don't know how I let this happen but while multi tasking I copied something else onto the invisible *clip board* where my short novel was cut too... and I lost the whole damn thing! Wow. I don't feel like re-typing it it will just piss me off and you won't enjoy reading my angrily re-writen story I lost to the computer. But also somewhere in there I said something along the lines of.. "All is good though, I feel an exciting fire inside and it would take a horrifying shit storm to upset me right now..." I think that was right after complaining that today was supposed to be my first day back to school, but they dropped me from all my classes because I didnt meet the deadline to pay tuition. So there ya go. Sorry guys you can't read my impossibly long blog about what i did over break, deal with it. But i did re register and got all my classes, Biology is full though, but im goin to show up to class anyways and beg the instructor to overload me.
I did get my Camera that I left at Suzye's after new years, and she mailed it back to me (all this previously, needlessly explained) so I have a buncha photos to share :)
P.s. My camera took a spill when I was sledding, and now my camera takes pictures.. but hey, they're photos!
Okkk. I should go sleep so I can wake up for the official first day of my Winter quarter 09!!
(p.s. I can't figure out how to post photos..and have captions unter gather what you will without my imput) ;)
We finally cleaned up all the rice. We need to finish freaks and geeks!
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