Cob Homes!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
So I
stumbled upon these lil hobbit-esque homes...Oh my god. So into these lil guys! Not only are they the cutest, comfiest abodes I’ve ever laid eyes on, they are very earth and eco friendly! They’re made out of dirt, straw and clay. Very ingenious and imaginative, no?

“--A 2007 family home, measuring 2,150 ft2, fitted with solar power and sub-floor heating ran a mere $210,000 CAD (112,000 GBP), making cob construction one of the most economical means of home-building, in addition to being among the most ethical. Impressive stats in these wild economic times, and positioning this rustic style of design at the forefront of charitable efforts to house the poor.”

I guess the style of construction is known as “Cobb”, but we of course aren’t aware of how insanely awesome of an idea this is because it’s not cool to talk about global warming and what having humungous energy-sucking, waste producing luxury homes and condos does for the future of the planet! These super-stable, fire-resistant structures can be been found in North Africa, the Middle East, and, most commonly, Devon, Wales, and Cornwall in the United Kingdom and has been used as far back as the 11th century.
I don’t know about you, but I would be incredibly content in one of these, in the woods by a lake or the beach. And Suzye, you can have your cute tug-boat house over anytime! We all can set up a little hobbit-like village in the woods somewhere (the image I see in my head is somewhere like Naomi’s parents farm area) have the best community ever. Maybe someday it’ll happen.

So now that I got that out, I’ll update ya on my day so far. School worked itself out good, I thought that after yesterday I wouldn’t be able to get into my Biology class, but I went and talked to the instructor and told her she wouldn’t regret overloading me, and she welcomed me with open arms, I love her already. I found out that my ridiculous math(cringe) teacher from last quarter gave me a 0.0 for my overall grade, I know this is my fault for not forcing him to communicate to me like humans do what I was missing by the last day of the quarter, I can’t read minds yet believe it or not. But as I said, It’s pretty hard to break my stride in this new year, new energy, new ambition and oomph! So I’ll take the double zero and completely kick ass at math this quarter because I CAN! I switched teachers to Mrs. Simmons and I LOVE her because she rules and I can honestly say i have nightmares about my old math teach Mr. Rick Downs and his slimy, long upper lip and bad energy... It’s really amazing how one teacher can ruin your day/life/school career, or completely be your savior for all of those aspects. ;)
There are cobb building workshops all the time in Oly and Portland. Next time I hear of one I'm making you come with me. You can make a lot of stuff other than houses, like benches and stuff. Let's do it!
We don't need $$$ to make our own cobb house, thats the beauty of it!
Oh rad!! Yeah let me know, because this blows me away. sheesh seattles not too cool in the way of awesome workshops and community eco freindly groups n stuff.
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