Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well here we are! Another week has passed. Sweet. So this is going to be short because I just spent most of the time I allotted for this project on resizing the huge pictures I plan on posting. This weekend was tedious. I worked, I tried to play, I spent way too much money, got to have some family time, some bonding time, some alone time, missed my man more than normal becuase we couldnt talk for hours and hours before falling asleep.

It’s back to work for another five day run tomorrow; but all that means is that it’s going to fly by.

I found out through the grapevine that I actually go back to school on the 9th rather than on the 16th, I was overzealous. Ugh. Being so busy will be helpful in makin May come faster right? And then I’ll be able to make it another month no problem.

So anyways. Here’s the news :)

My cousin Kelly was trying to get ahold of me through Facebook but I had no idea how to check my messages so finally she threw me a bone and just sent me her number. She was stuck in Seattle until today due to all the cancelled Alaska flights because of the erupting volcano. we go to get together on Sunday; I took her around Pike Place Market and took pictures. We also shopped all day; Urban outfitters, Tenzing Momo, H&M, Westlake and wherever else. Dad and Max met up with us on the waterfront for some Red Robins fish and beer. I took a bunch of photos and that’s the whole reason I’m staying up so late to post this. So without further a due... (I still have a lot to say but I’m fading fast so ill write tomoarrow) se here's a picture dump, some from previous weekends too that I never got to post.

I'll explain later.


I feel so.....ugh... This is freaking ridiculous. ♥


bah hum bug

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring break has sort of let me down. Being able to sleep in isn't enough to satisfy me. I have been working so much. (not complaining… money is good) but that is the only benefit of not going to school. Because when I'm not working I’m either sleeping or showering or preparing to bus to work.. Hanging out is hard to do when I have a 16-hour turn around and I have to be back at work. And I kind of have to psyche myself up for work and be "ready" because it takes its toll, having equal potential to be really fun or really horrible. Pleasing not only the customers but also my co-workers is some really frustrating business. I am almost too sensitive to work as hostess. Where I have to control the flow of the entire restaurant and keep people from moving chairs around and from seating themselves, cleaning up after people and making sure the servers are content with the work I’m doing. On top of making sure the dishes are being done so there will be enough glass wear circulating. I love all the people, but sometimes their sour attitude puts me on defense and that’s a taxing situation in an 8 hour shift.

So there is your weekly work rant. Overall I’m happy with it. At least I have a good job. In a place that shows NO sign that we are in a recession. I make good money for being a college student living at home with mom. I don’t have too many bills yet so I should soak this up because before long…I’ll be back to paying rent and being dirt poor again. Oh me oh my. I also have to really start thinking about all my credit business. Collections’ is after me for a sick sum of money because of medical bills from 3 years ago. I get physically ill whenever I get a call from them asking me for a check money order or credit card number and they stir up all the invisible dust. :( Blah. I wish I had a sweet escape!

Mom’s gone for the weekend; she’s in Texas till Wednesday. I get the place to myself, which is really nice for a change. I’m not here a lot so it’s not a big deal but I got to have Vanessa over the other night and I cooked her some pasta and we watched Art School Confidential (we both fell asleep). Yesterday I got to go out with my brother and his girlfriend Erin. We went to Pike Place Market then met up with Max’s co-worker Allen at Fado, an Irish Pub and got some beers before max took me to work.

I'm going to go read. that's something I don't much of anymore. Hopefully I won't have ADD. That's been happening a lot lately.

Well that’s all I got for now. Peace folks.



Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sigur Ros - ViĆ° spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.


LONG update. It's been a while.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I don't know where to strat so i'm just diving in.
--My first night out at the clubs, 21 years old, no sneaking or the uneasy feeling that I’ll be kicked out or ID’d. I must say it was such a different experience than I expected. Maybe due to my state of mind, having just finished up a trying quarter, working a lot, loving a lot, and so on. I was tired all day; all I wanted to do was sleep after work maybe catch up on some projects I’ve been neglecting since before finals week. And I have to work...today again. But Vanessa called and wanted to celebrate our birthdays together, just her and I. She’d already invited me to go out tonight with a bunch of Pisces birthday tonight a while ago so, last night was just spontaneous and I miss the girl so I said fuck it. I felt so touched and flattered that she wanted some one on one time. I haven’t really been able to spend as much time with her because she’s going to art school in Poulsbo and I don’t have a car, work and go to school. Growing up really show’s you who your friends are. Vanessa is the only friend I ever stayed in contact with from Middle School in Arlington. And we are close, I love it. Anyways she picked me up after I was off work (11:30pm) we went to a club downtown called The Last Supper Club. This place reminded me of a rave and I didn’t like the feeling or vibe. Plus Vanessa had a really bad tummy ache and was hurting so I felt bad. I did get hit on, which was fun for me to be able so hold up my hand showing off a ring and say I’m taken. Guys are very, very interesting. The whole night I was just contently people watching. Seeing how different people interact. The drunken girls grinding on the half-massed drunk guys, knowing they’re getting some later. I just sat at a tiny table while Vanessa was dancing around and I just watched everyone. WILD! I ran into Kelly and Lindsey, some people I used to hang out with a lot. Kelly just turned 21 too so we all hung out for a little while, it was good to see him. I also ran into Dev, the dude that used to work at west 5. He smelled horrible and was having a hard time communicating so I just assumed he was out of his mind. So Vanessa wanted to go to the Noc Noc after the club closed at 2, I was already draggin ass as it was, I didn’t have enough energy to dance, which is what she wanted to do. Plus my phone was blowing up with foul capitalized insults from Jameson’s roommate Andrew who was upset that I told his girlfriend that she’s better than him and that she might consider…not dating him. I met her on St. Patty’s Day when Jameson and I went out after I got off work. I was so astounded when I found out that Andrew even had a girlfriend because he hit on my like no tomorrow. Anyways I was a little schwilled when I was talking to her about him so I probably deserved it. I don’t like the guy, and she seemed so sweet and cute. I don’t know. Anyways it blew up and 360’d in the span of the hour we where at Club Trinity. Jameson told me he had a talk with him and I have no idea what he said but out of no where Andrew starts actually blowing up my phone, and texting me and telling me he’s sorry, that Jameson told him the “truth” and to please let him talk to me and say sorry. WEIRD right? Ugh! So that is that. I’m letting it be, I’m too sensitive to have stupid drama in my life.

Anyways now for the update!
So I have my camera, it’s working (not like my last one) but it’s getting the job done. So that means I have PHOTOS!

Suzye left Monday for Australia! Randy, Suzye, Bekah, Nick and Ashley all came into my work on Saturday night and hung out till I got off work. I feel bad because Randy got the BBQ’d shrimp and it’s kinda expensive and you only get 5 shrimps. (sorry Randy) but when I got off we all went over to Nicks for a blankets-on-the-floor
house warming party! I was so tired (story of my life huh) so I was the first to fall asleep after Suzye and I took a bunch of web cam picture on Randy’s computer. So fun! Then in the morning we all went and got crepes. With the exception
or Nick who had to leave for work really early. Then Suzye and Randy dropped me off and gave me some culture to brew kombucha! I’m also babysitting her seedlings. [Three Brusselsprouts, two tomatoes, one calendula and one cumin.] All of them have started to sprout other than one tomato it’s so exciting! I can’t wait to have more living room and be able to have plants again.

I got to dissect a mouse in Biology. This was interesting for me because, being a vegetarian everyone expected me to be the last one to pick up the scalpel and scissors and dive in. But science is something that I’m into, curiosity took over and I was the first one to find the heart and all the organs. I’m also eccentric and had to take photos of the experience because I love documenting my days and experiences (no matter how vulgar) with my camera. So that’s that and I’m not ashamed. I did a GREAT job dissecting, and the pictures turned out cool too. hehe

So winter quarter is finally over! I can breathe a little and get my life back on track. I do have one other [math] final to take on Thursday so I’m not totally in the clear yet. And I don’t get too much of a break either because I start back up on the 16th. (EXACTLY one month till I see my baby!) And, also, Dean (one of the bartenders/owners of W5)is going out of town, so Quinn (his gf/another bartender at W5) is taking over his shifts, so that means I take her shifts on Wednesdays, so ill be working 5 nights a week (kinda a lot for the work/energy demand for a shift) but I am young and versatile and I can do anything. So that’s going to be from 3/23-4/28. I don’t mind the extra money either! I still haven’t signed up for my classes I think I’m going to take my ‘easy’ classes for spring quarter so I can have a smooth transition into summer. I also am leaving a few days before finals for Hawaii so I need to be able to take them early.

With Winter quarter being over, and I get to take a bit of a breather I can read the library books that I have had piling up. I’ve been reading the scary Vampire book called “Let the Right One In” (that’s now a movie I guess) for the past month and a half and I’m not even halfway done. So I need to finish that so I can start Ishmael and Another Roadside Attraction before they’re due back. I also have to Suzye-required readings “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” and “The Real Food Revival”. Man I have a lot to read! Annnd I haven’t been working out as much as I need to. I’m paying $60 a month for the gym and I want to get as much out of it as possible. I got only, what? Three months, less? To get whipped into shape!

I got some freaking incredible packages from Kale. The first one came shortly after my birthday, A handcrafted ring from Africa,
made out of recycled telephone wires - in a box that he made, so artistic and detailed, the perfect birthday gift. The next package I got on Monday – a hat that he knit with his own hands, every thread woven with love,

and three mixed cd’s that I haven’t stopped listening to. I wish I could put them on my ipod! :( grr. Each cd has a different feel and all the songs are lovely and cute/romantic/sappy/corny/amazing. I am in love so deep. And everyday it plunges even deeper than before. I smile hard when I see his face on the computer, or my phone (yeah his face is my background image!)We are official on Facebook too how exciting!

I also got 2 letters from across the world. Lindsey wrote me from India!! Thank you so much girl. It means so much to me to get a little reminder that you think of me too! I miss you so much and I am so excited for you out there journeying through the world! I can’t wait to hear about all your adventure stories and hug you and never let you go!

Ok well I’ve made this post long enough, I feel like I caught you guys up on life in Sydney land. off to work! PEACE


Friday, March 13, 2009

Yeah yeaah!

Got myself a notion.
One I know that you'll understand
Set the world in motion
By reaching out for each other's hands

Maybe we'll discover
What we should've known all along(Yeah)
One way or another
Together's where we both belong.

If we listen to each other's hearts.
We'll find we're never too far apart.
And maybe love is the reason why,
for the 1st time ever we're seeing it eye to eye.

If a wall should come between us
Too high to climb
too hard to break through
I know that love will lead us
And find a way to bring me to you

So don't be in a hurry
Think me b4 you count us out(ooh)
You don't have to worry
I won't ever let you down
(nothing's gonna stop us now)

If you're ever lonely.stop!
You don't have to be
After all this slowly
I'll be there for just you and me
Take a look inside and see



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To get you caught up if only a little bit I’ll shout out the highlights. I think my last post was just a sorry attempt to run my mouth (or fingers I guess) about the state of humanity and how it’s distressing me. But due to impenetrable contentment I have a hard time complaining about things lately. So with that let me just say that everything is going SO GOOD.


Work rules, I love it. I don’t even mind being tired all the time(getting off work anywhere from 9:30-12am). I even get a “shift drink” after I’m off work. [Normally this is a shot of Chartreuse] How cool is that. I am getting along with everyone. The only thing is that sometimes when someone is in a bad mood (not pertaining to myself or anything I did specifically) I tend to get irritated and reflect my co-workers sour, stressful attitude. I have to work on that. But if someone IS mad about something I did specifically I don’t get mad I get hurt and emotionally upset because I’m so god damn sensitive. But I’m doing my best everyday and I’m making so much more money than I was (only working 1 or 2 days a week) so my bank account is flourishing and I’m saving all of it. With the exception of buying a car on Thursday!

Tax return! It’s so exciting to get a tax return. Yesterday I went to deposit my paycheck and when I got my receipt with the balance on it I about screamed. I’m about $1120 richer than I was last week! Woohoo. (Now maybe, hopefully I’ll get a stimulus check in the mail soon?) So with this money I’m going to try and find a car. My step mom Cheryl’s ex step-son Ryan is going to a used car auction and invited me to come along to see if I can’t score a good car to help me save some time in my busy chaotic life. I am still going to bus to school and work because it’s easy… but it’s for all the in-between stuff, namely the Gym and running errands, where having a car would help a sista out. And let’s not forget being able to go see my amazing family when EVER I want. I am SO excited, I’m so sick of not being able to see them as often as I possibly can. It’s not right I need them, more of them!

Family- Bad news. My little sister Kyndall got in her first accident. Her brakes locked up on her when she had to slam on them because a gigantic truck decided to stop abruptly on a yellow. It had been snowing and she slid right into him. She wasn’t hurt too bad, but had burns on her forearms from the deployed air-bag and her sun roof flew off. She got her first ride in an ambulance too. Poor babes. Well luckily she was able to sell it for blue-book price on craigslist. So I’m keeping my eyes out for her at the car auction too. Phew.

New Camera-bad luck: So for my birthday mom surprised me with a new Samsung camera from RadioShack! I was so excited until I tried to start taking photos! I would be able to take photos as long as I didn’t change the settings, as soon as I would take the flash off or anything, the screen would freeze up, none on the buttons would work and in order to do anything at all I had to pop out the battery and then push the power on button a few times. No fun! So Mom, Max and I went to Costco to get me another Casio Exilim I found a green one!!!!! SO excited!!!!! Until I got it all set up went to work took pictures, seemed to be working ok; until I changed the setting to no flash and it did…get this…THE SAME THING AS THE SAMSUNG! What the HELL!? So I’m trying to work out the kinks with voodoo magic and positive energy, and sometimes it works and sometimes it freezes. I have 9- days to return it…so we shall see. Also! On the note of repelling technology my ipod has been fussy lately. I’ll have to push the pause button for an ungodly sum of time before it will shut off. And when I choose a song or artist it will all of a sudden default play ALO’s “how long has this been going on” not that I don’t like that song, but it comes on involuntarily when I blatantly selected something else quite frequently …why!

School rocks. I am scooting along nicely. Winter quarter’s coming to a close and it’s about time for me to sign up for Spring classes but I am a little panicky because I leave for Hawaii a week before the end of the quarter and that will most likely put a damper on my finals week. So I have to do some figuring out quick. I am getting pretty good grades though, nothing is stressing me out. I feel like we’re being crammed in BIO because we’ve blasted through 5 chapters in the last week and 2 days. But I find it all very interesting and exciting so it’s not too unbearable. We had a two hour lab today and have a test on Friday and a final next Friday. I’m very nervous, but luckily I have an amazing study buddy who happens to be quite acquainted with Biology. And he’s really cute and says sweet things too. SCORE.

I have missed out on going to the gym all last week because I was so busy. Transportation to and from the gym is retarded and it has been snowing and frigid out and I really don’t want to risk getting stuck in that busless vortex in the cold and risk being late for work. So I’m sure I’ll be able to pick up the slack when I get a break between quarters and if I get a car soon. :)

Mom and I have been getting along alright. I just have to try extra hard not to get annoyed with her or pissed off. We did a fashion show with some other friends of Camille’s (my friend who owns a designer boutique in the junction) I was so freaking tired but I pulled through. All the clothes I had to model where NOTHING I would wear in real life, so I was sort of uncomfortable but I rocked on through it, wine drunk and in high heels, go me! So that was neat, and I got to meet a lot more West Seattlites and be social.

The only thing I’m left with for this update, bringing you all up to speed, is my irrevocably exploding heart. Love is ripe in the spring air you guys. I received the most heart stopping, jaw dropping unbelievable birthday gift in the mail yesterday from Kale. It took a while to come and for a second I lost hope that it was going to show up at all but now I have it and let me just say that I am the happiest girl in the world! Never has anyone put so much love in an envelope before. I won’t boast too much about it all because I don’t want to crow about how I’ve found the Holy Grail and this and that and that sappy crappy corny love stuff. I’m very inspired and so alive. I feel so good about the future and am so excited I got MY man. Ok. So there’s that.



Picture Post

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ok i've been working on this little by little all last week and just finished it today.
I have alot to update but I'm diving into my homework for now. maybe later.

love you all!

A picture of you in your room

A picture with someone you don't actually like.
thanks b:)lol

A picture on your birthday.

The youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form.

A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits

A picture of you making a goofy face.

A picture you might have edited to make yourself more attractive.

A picture of a night you regret.
That’s why

A picture of you truly being yourself.
The most recent picture of you.

A picture of you being absolutely ridiculous.

A picture of you showing off your new hair cut/color.

A picture of a time in your life that's over & you wish wasn't.
:( she's grown up now...(in case you wondered why i chose this pic)
A picture of a time in your life that's over & you couldn't be more thankful.

A picture of you when you were anything but happy
(i have a habbit of taking pictures of myself during breakdowns...)

A picture that you had no idea was being taken.

A picture of when you were a different person than you are now.
A picture of you with someone you love.

A picture of how you'd like the world to see you.

A picture of a time when everything was changing.



"The Holy Grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it." Wall and Peice

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