Wake up Sydney!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I really need to find a good way to stop falling asleep on the bus, on the way to school, and in my English class in the morning. I don’t know if it has to do with my inferior immune system or my medicine I’ve been taking, but this usually never happens. I do get at least six to seven hours of sleep at night, so I am so confused. I hate jolting awake while my teachers talking, and realizing that I had full on zonked for a few seconds, SO annoying!

Well any ways, I’m very proud of myself this quarter so far, I’m at school early (on time) every day. I made it a bad habit to sleep in past my alarm and miss my first period in fall quarter. Granted that class was math at 8am and I could easily justify that extra 2 hours of z’s by going to the noon math lab class. But now that I have English on campus instead of online I have no choice, there is no makeup class! I need to figure this out fast, I hate falling asleep. It reminds me of when I used to commute from Olympia to Tacoma every morning at 3am to work the 4am shift at Trader Joes. Or when I was living in Mukilteo and had to commute to Arlington for School and work. Yes, I know, falling asleep while driving is a little more severe than falling asleep on the bus or in your chair in class, but it’s the impossible task trying to silently snap myself out of it. When I was driving I could at least blast the AC, roll all the windows down Blast horrible techno and scream (that was the most effective). So unless I can scream in the middle of class (yeah right) I am in need of some ideas; and, yes I do drink coffee in the morning, and no I don’t want to start taking uppers. Ideas please…

Tuesday is upon us! It’s SO COLD outside, and it’s snowing again. Brrrr. I had a pretty good weekend, aside from the disagreement my mom and I got into over school. I came home stoked that I had a great day, I got all my text’s for school finally, even though my Environmental Ethics book was 110 bucks, I borrowed my Biology book from my friend and that would have been another 100 something dollars. I was stoked because Kyndall (the oldest of my little sisters) was driving down to go get her neck pierced with me, bonding! I passed my Math test with a 81% (I failed miserably with a 59 at the beginning of the week) so naturally I was ecstatic! I’ve been steadily feeding my butterflies in my stomach daily and on Friday the sun was incredible (still freezing out, but beautiful compared to the foggy cloud we Seattleites have been living in lately) ANYWAY.. .I tried relaying my elation to my mother, only to get shot down and ridiculed for not getting better than an 81% and that she’s not paying for my tuition for me to sluff off and not ask for help. I immediately got defensive and started trying to sever the conversation because; naturally I didn’t want to crush my amazing Friday mood. That’s when she started calling me passive aggressive, telling me I have big problems that I have to deal with and this and that and this and yell-- yell. I really thought she would pat my on the back for that but I guess not, so I learned the hard way to not let mom in on what I feel to be a good thing, because, “it’s 100% or it sucks!” I got out of there as quick as I could and didn’t come back till Sunday night.

I had a great weekend! My little sisters, Emilie and Kyndall and Sam and little bro D.j. all hung out, Kyndall was driving dads truck (scary) we went to pick the kids up from their high school Basketball game (very entertaining..) We played some guitar hero, and danced as usual in dads living room.
Saturday night I went to my big sister Courtney's spa party, where we got REALLY wine drunk, ALL of us ladies and scrubbed our feet, looked at Court's wedding dress, and she hugged me and .... I think we bonded! SCORE. seems to only happen when she's waisted though..sad, but I'll work on it :)
Max came and picked me up with his girl Erin, they hung out with all the drunk ladies for a little then we went back back to his house where we played Karaoke till the wee hours of the morning. SO FUN! we even woke up the next morning and played some more, before going to Sharis for Breakie!
They had tickets to go see LIL WAYNE at the Key Arena, so the dropped me off at home, and I worked on homework.. went out to eat with mom, made up...(more like ignored everything that we said.)

OK that's all for now. over n' out.

PEACE and LOVE to all of you <3


Update and Current news and this and that.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So going to bed last night, I had some mucus in the very back of my throat, really hard to swallow. But over night it happened to turn into a full-fledged head/throat cold. I have the sniffles and sandpaper throat, headache, body and muscle ache, even my ears fucking hurt! Well, I guess it had to happen sometime.
I was really rallying these past few days though: with Bekah’s Hard Core Saves the World on Friday, and my drinking/doge ball extravaganza, then drinking more with Bekah after she performed..Saturday Randy and Suzye and Bekah and I all went up to Lynwood to see Ashley! Of course there was more drinking! So much Laughing in one night, I was already sore from my failed attempt at playing competitive doge ball, and Carmen Electra's Fint2Strip workout on Comcast, then Randy randomly spit an entire mouthful of beer straight into Ashley’s face, and all she could say was, “was that real?” I’m cracking up right now (I love you Randy). That experience is up there in the list of fenniest moments of my life. So THAT was cool! Then on Sunday the sun was out so we all just sat around the covered pool..and enjoyed it. we also went to Ihop, and swung on the rope swing :)

I went back to Bekah’s with her so I could use her computer to do top secret business, and we stayed up WAY TOO late, her little sister Clara was depressed because she finished a sad book, so Bekah painted a face on her chin and mustaches and they laughed (the “I’m really tired and everything is hilarious!” laugh) haha so goofy.
So then on Monday, we enjoyed a no school day for Martin Luther King day and it was Gorgeous! Sunshine and blue skies! So Bekah Chad and I went to get Kyle and Josie to go to Golden Gardens and make a fire and roast mellows and (of course) drink beer! Josie decided she would rather go home and shower than watch the most incredible sunset ever (lame)! I started clapping and cheering when the sun disappeared behind the mountains. And everyone else at their fire pits did too! It was exciting! I realized that we were celebrating the end of Bush’s presidency and that amped us up. We invited some strangers with a djembe over to enjoy our fire and company, after polishing off a 24 pack and running out of fire wood,
we departed to go (get more beer) and go soak in Kyle’s hot tub. I believe I smoked many cigarettes as well; possibly contributing to the state that my throat is in currently. (LAME)

So Instead of waking up at 4 am and busing to school..and then to work for the inauguration crowd and all day happy hour, I just slept in till 8:30, left Bekah’s at 9 got home in time to shower and pull myself together for (what I thought would be) a long hard afternoon at the bar. I ended up going home after being in an empty bar for 2.5 hours, I was frustrated because I could have slept in more with Bekah, but oh well I got to get some dishes done, oh! I got to hold 45 hundred dollar bills in my hands, neat!

The sun keeps breaking through the foggy darkness here in Seattle, and is electrifying my excitement for summer to be here at last!!
I have decided I’m for sure going to transfer schools for spring quarter, Instead of South, go to Seattle Central. The nice folks that stopped to chit chat with us on the beach are UW students and informed me of some perks to going to Central.

Alright, well now that I’ve finished with the entire weekend recap, how about our new President, huh!?
I found a really cool photo of the Capitol Building and the incredible sea of people that attended the Inauguration. View the madness!

All in all I was touched by what he said, and I agree with Kale in that Obama categorizes many very believing people into the category of “non-believers” and that probably rubbed many people the wrong way. I can’t imagine the pressure to please the whole USA, though so I can’ t be too put out by it. I have very high hopes, maybe a miracle will happen, and one of the changes that come to America is that people like me (who got screwed by Labor and Industries) will be let off the hook and somehow stop being hassled day in and day out by collection agencies calling to ask for upwards of a million dollars that you owe because you thought you were being taken care of, but SIKE you owe all that money back.. I don’t have nearly enough time to stress how dumb my situation is, but I promise I will devote a blog post to what happened to me and why, at 21, I have to file for medical bankruptcy..

Ok. Im off to class. P.s. Rob patinson's 2 songs "never think" and "let me sign" from the Twilight soundtrack, are kick my ass. ugh.

god day to YOU



Friday, January 16, 2009

SO.. moms gone till late Saturday..

I get home from school 20 minutes ago and was overwhelmed with the rankest smelling cat shit the world has ever known.. so I scooped both litter boxes and it was as if the smell was following me around, IT WAS, and meowing at me for food! Sammy's butt has a GIGANTIC white fur-ball blocking his butt hole, and there's WHOKNOWSHOWMUCH slimysmelly cat poo stuck on his booty!! EEEW!! So I called mom and she was like

"Sydney, you know what you have to do! you have to put gloves on and slowly cut it all away, GENTLY, don't cut his balls because his little nutter butters are back there. But you can't just leaving it because he can get an infection..." and she jsut hung up on me...

I'm waiting for bekah to be here so she can hold him down.. OMG it smells SO bad.. I have 5 sticks of Nag burning....my eyes are watering, and I wish I hadn't eaten today.

Sorry in advance B.



We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution

So Today was a good day, all things considered. Things like, Sleeping in really late, not going to classes (first absent day of the quarter) watching youtube videos about global warming, sustainability and some comical political satire to soften the depressing blow of it all, writing a 5 page proposal to what the answer is to the worlds horrifying problems, studying for my second attempt at passing my module two math exam, doing Carmen Electra’s fit2strip workout on Comcast, feeding the animals while mom’s in West Palm Beach, running to the library in the 15 minutes before catching the bus to work to pick of Still life With a Woodpecker, which they kindly e-mailed me to tell me that it was being held for me there, I’m going to place holds for all my books now that is neat. I also placed a hold on the Documentary that I saw a snippet from on youtube called “The Corporation”
knocked my socks off)

so I’m pretty excited to get that e-mail. Got offered full time hours at the bar, I was really surprised and told Toni I would have to think about it. But thinking about it now, this is everything I want and need. I would make massive money working Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights serving (hello tips) the thing that made me second guess was Friday and Saturday are my hang-out nights when I normally see the girl(s) and what not. But like I said before, I need to concentrate on necessity right now, and making (saving) money and school and studying fall under that category. So I’m going to except the offer and make the most of it. If you’re sensing some reluctance in my tone you aren’t mistaken, I don’t really enjoy working there, it’s very fast pace, and I am not. I like to relax and not be rushed and stressed out for hours on end to try and please people. Example: Today someone wrote “too spicy, too much cumin, not very good at all” on their curry soup plate coaster. Every time I would walk past their table (it was an older woman with a small toddler girl) she would say “I know, it’s not that good is it?” or “I’m not very impressed why did you choose this place?” Not talking to me, of course, talking to the small child. Okay first of all, why would you comply with a four your old little girl’s decision to eat at a cocktail lounge? A: we allow kids but hate it when they come in ahem it is a bar. B: instead of loudly complaining to your only friend about how shitty you think the food is, say something to your waitress and do something about it. Ok that’s my rant. Sorry. Any way I hope that clarifies my point a little bit, I don’t like being expected to wait on people hand and foot (but I guess that’s why they’re called waitresses eh?) Oh what the fuck, it’s money, and I can do anything. I just gotta keep my head up and not let the mean, drunk, hungry people get to me.

Okay, that’s it for now… Happy Friday!

Much love



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here are some highlights, out of the ordinary happenings recently.
Seattle Police raided a house in my neck of the woods (West Seattle) turned out to be full of weed.

The Alaskan Way Viaduct decicion has been made, and allot of Seattleites are pissed off about the plans. I don’t know what to think yet…

This morning, 43 Alaskan Natives filed a lawsuit against the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), claiming a widespread conspiracy to dump pedophile priests in small Alaskan towns and shelter them from exposure. more here

My webcam CAME!!!

Ugh. I need some sun.

Summer? Get your ass BACK here already!


Blast! From the past!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I am sitting here passing time before I venture out on my errands. I am finding too MANY old photos I forgot even existed. I would be tickled to death to see every ones pics from the vaults so I'll hope to start a trend *hinthint*. (if not thats cool too, just enjoy)
Bekah and I 2006 (right before Naomi left for Thailand..?)
these where me round one dreads that my mom ended up combing out (thats why i have bangs now...) I always wonder how lush and wonderous my hair would be if I wasn't forced to undo-and then re-do.. loco! I'm making progress tho!
This was at one of the parties Suzye took me to at the Hall. i want to say 2003or4? (p.s. that boy was so sweaty)
..what i did to my hair after the dreads came out :(
wayyyy back when, @ Suzyes Parents house.. I forgot what we where doing, or celebrating but this was funny.
I was way into editing every photo i took...haha
when we went to the drive in movie! this was 05 i believe.. I had my Prodeje still.. I miss it.
when i was getting my chest pierced
Bekah and I in Samanthas Parents backyard smoking cigs after i got my piercings....WILD CHILDREN
When i was rockin the pies and Dominoes with Jahnavi.
Suzye adn Ben came to watch me get my corsette..eesh
Bekahs Blue room! dress up games.
Bekah and I in a random second hand store, when we went looking for trouble this one time...
when Riley asked me nicely to *brand* his retarded shark tattoo..
and Riley then branded me.
when we where at the old hooka bar on cherry st, (promising to always be bffl)
Suzyes old apt (we have a baby powder fight)
I want to say this was prom... but i don't know..naomi and I 2005ish
when i lost my car to the biggest semi on Earth...:( X_x
Quincey and I got egyptian male and female mods that don't show
I...got stitched after Riley couldn't help but slicing my boob open.
when everyone at Admiral tattoo got 666 tattoos on june 6 2006 06/06/06
when i got my six wisdom teeth pulled.
when Kale was giving me advice on breakin the law.
When there was a rave at the Seattle Science Center.. Bekah and I spazzin out in the butterfly room..very wild
this is when suzye and i tried to take a picture for about a half an hour.. i ended up with so many videos of us -- singing along to Sublime looking at the camera like we are waiting for it to capture.. but in fact it was set to video mode.. So funny.
Sake night on Randal's 24th Birthday I believe.

when i was sane enough to stand in Mexico 2 summers ago.
the Fam

ok.. that was fun



Ready to Attack another week!

Well the weekend was great. I spent it (as usual) with Bekah.
Friday after school I went to Camille’s shop and worked for her while she had some errands to run, I just shlazed out and relaxed, reading my book (SO good!) nobody really even came in until 4:45 (I close at 5) so I ended up staying open for 20 minutes past closing time for this over elated talkative lady that, since I made no sales the whole afternoon, felt obligated to humor her so she would have no choice but to buy things. It ended up working and she bought 95 dollars worth of shit.

So I bussed home to get changed to go see Bekah rehearse for her Hardcore Saves the World show. Her mom was there, so it was fairly painless to be all alone in a huge empty venue totally out of my element. But when they where done rehearsing Bekah and I drove her mom to Green Lake before going back the venue for the actual rave party! I was kind of nervous to be submerged in that teenage waist-land again after having…not…in quite a while. It wasn’t bad, I dance with friends, and cheered Bekah on, she was an amazing Ho-Bot. We decided to go straight home instead of party afterward. I was so drained. Then we had to get up to practice the next day too. Haha I just tagged along, and had a pretty good time, normally I would have photos to share but turns out my camera wont even turn on now, I hope that’s not indefinite, we shall see. (cross your fingers!) But Bekah has a camera now!! woohoo Bekah!

I got to chat with Suzye for a while on Saturday. She helped me come to the decision that maybe going to Burning Man wouldn’t be the best Idea, due to money and time and convenience. So I made plans and am sticking to them to go to Emerge-N-see with the gang instead. I have so much to look forward to and I can hardly contain myself. I have to keep it together and stay on the straight and narrow for the sake of my grades! I also aim to make it (finally) to Summer Meltdown this summer as well. ALSO deeply aspire to be on the Sasquatch Rhino Staging crew with the girls. How freaking amazing would it be to be with my loves at a festival in the summer and camp and get paid? Sounds like heaven.

So anyways, I just got home. Bekah and I went to work with Muchee and Zak to help do the big inventory count at the Crypt. It was extremely entertaining. I basically got paid 30 bucks to hang out with really awesome people, looking at (well and counting) obscure sex toys, clothes, weird weapons etc. We also ate pizza so, basically, I got paid to have a really good time.

Now I’m ready to go write in my sappy crappy journal and discuss with myself the things I can’t rightly do here, drink the most amazing tea in the universe (would you like to know…mwahaha), and read on in this amazing book!! I get to wake up early and go to school tomorrow and conquer another day!

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!
Love you all. Night.


rain rain go away

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I’m so sick of rain! It’s dark all day I can’t stand it. I-5 is closed for 20 miles both ways, tons of street closures and evacuations of towns because of the flooding and mudslides. Avalanches, mudslides, high water (reaching record levels) and wild winds, all the passes are closed, around 60 highways are closed, and 22 rivers have reached or exceeded flood levels. Screw this.
Suzye, you should definitely reconsider getting your sweet tug boat!

I don’t want to do anything but snuggle in front of a fire and drink my amazing, super power Rooibos tea and read my book (that is getting very riveting and exhilarating I can’t put it down) it’s by the same author of the Twilight saga, Stephanie Myer, it’s called “The Host”.
I’m about to go to Biology, It’s pretty overwhelming because all we do is copy notes down for an hour, copying what she writes on the board. I haven’t been able to get the text yet because I’m so broke and that isn’t helping either. Then I have math, and believe it or not I enjoy it 1000 times more than I did last semester thanks to my teacher. After that I go to West 5 and work all night. I really hope that no one flips me shit, I feel like the people there have been rubbing me the wrong way for too long, I’m feeling very underappreciated, people are way too short with me for how sensitive I am. But I just shouldn’t think about it because it just adds anxiety.

I hope you all are warm, dry, safe, happy, healthy (get well soon Kale :() and have a GREAT DAY!


Cob Homes!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So I stumbled upon these lil hobbit-esque homes...Oh my god. So into these lil guys! Not only are they the cutest, comfiest abodes I’ve ever laid eyes on, they are very earth and eco friendly! They’re made out of dirt, straw and clay. Very ingenious and imaginative, no?

“--A 2007 family home, measuring 2,150 ft2, fitted with solar power and sub-floor heating ran a mere $210,000 CAD (112,000 GBP), making cob construction one of the most economical means of home-building, in addition to being among the most ethical. Impressive stats in these wild economic times, and positioning this rustic style of design at the forefront of charitable efforts to house the poor.”
I guess the style of construction is known as “Cobb”, but we of course aren’t aware of how insanely awesome of an idea this is because it’s not cool to talk about global warming and what having humungous energy-sucking, waste producing luxury homes and condos does for the future of the planet! These super-stable, fire-resistant structures can be been found in North Africa, the Middle East, and, most commonly, Devon, Wales, and Cornwall in the United Kingdom and has been used as far back as the 11th century.

I don’t know about you, but I would be incredibly content in one of these, in the woods by a lake or the beach. And Suzye, you can have your cute tug-boat house over anytime! We all can set up a little hobbit-like village in the woods somewhere (the image I see in my head is somewhere like Naomi’s parents farm area) have the best community ever. Maybe someday it’ll happen. I have to hurry up and strike it rich some how in order for all my expensive dreams to come true! I will start a magazine filled with articles such as this so that every one will see all the awesome hippy doo-dads that are out there in the world. I am SO stoked that I found this, can't you tell?


So now that I got that out, I’ll update ya on my day so far. School worked itself out good, I thought that after yesterday I wouldn’t be able to get into my Biology class, but I went and talked to the instructor and told her she wouldn’t regret overloading me, and she welcomed me with open arms, I love her already. I found out that my ridiculous math(cringe) teacher from last quarter gave me a 0.0 for my overall grade, I know this is my fault for not forcing him to communicate to me like humans do what I was missing by the last day of the quarter, I can’t read minds yet believe it or not. But as I said, It’s pretty hard to break my stride in this new year, new energy, new ambition and oomph! So I’ll take the double zero and completely kick ass at math this quarter because I CAN! I switched teachers to Mrs. Simmons and I LOVE her because she rules and I can honestly say i have nightmares about my old math teach Mr. Rick Downs and his slimy, long upper lip and bad energy... It’s really amazing how one teacher can ruin your day/life/school career, or completely be your savior for all of those aspects. ;)





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